氣候變遷威脅臨海居民 澳洲進行模擬計畫 | 環境資訊中心

氣候變遷威脅臨海居民 澳洲進行模擬計畫


澳洲東南角的海岸邊。(圖片來源: CANA)澳洲政府目前正在進行一項模擬計劃,模擬氣候變遷未來會對澳洲大陸的海岸線帶來何等影響。這項計劃將顯示出,位於澳洲海岸的基礎建設、社區住宅和生態系統,在風暴潮、洪水以及海嘯等災害下,今日光景將有何改變。

澳洲環境與水資源部長湯布(Malcolm Turnbull)表示:「85%的澳洲人口居住於海岸線附近,因此我們有必要深入了解氣候變遷將對這些區域會造成甚麼影響,並藉以規劃因應策略。透過這項計劃,澳洲海岸區將發展對應對策,抵抗氣候變遷帶來的影響。」。




Australia First to Model Continental Shoreline Climate Impacts
CANBERRA, Australia, August 23, 2007 (ENS)

澳洲西海岸的Scarborough 海灘。(圖片來源:Discover West) The Australian government is undertaking to model the impacts of climate change on the whole coastline of the island continent. The project will help show the effects of storm surges, floods and tsunamis on Australia's coastal infrastructure, communities and ecosystems.

"This will help Australia's coastal regions plan their strategy to combat the effects of climate change," said Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Malcolm Turnbull. "Eighty-five percent of Australians live on the coast and we all need to better understand how climate change will affect these regions so we can plan accordingly."

Australian average temperatures have risen by 0.7 ºC over the last century, and the warming trend appears to have emerged from the background of natural climate variability in the second half of the 20th century, the Environment Department said in a 2003 report.

Climate warming is expected to result in reduced runoff, higher riverine, estuarine and coastal aquifer salinity, and increased algal blooms which would exacerbate water supply and water quality problems in some urban areas, according to the report.

The apartments and houses in which Australians live will be at risk as climate change intensifies, according to the Climate Action Network Australia, CANA.

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