加國伐林政策漠視原民權益 國際特赦組織出面干預 | 環境資訊中心

加國伐林政策漠視原民權益 國際特赦組織出面干預


加拿大原始部落Grassy Narrows被砍伐的森林。 (照片提供:Carrol Cox / Envirowatch)北極森林廣闊的帶狀區為加拿大原始部落的傳統屬地,國際特赦組織表示,關於目前這片土地的使用已違反了其會員的權益,應即刻停止。

國際特赦組織呼籲,安大略省政府應尊重原住民「草窄族」(Asubpeeschoseewagong,英譯為Grassy Narrows)先前曾發布過的禁伐令,直到以「事先告知並取得同意」原則與原住民完成協商為止。



Amnesty International Canada Urges Halt to Logging Indigenous Land
TORONTO, Ontario, Canada, September 25, 2007 (ENS)

Clearcutting vast swaths of northern boreal forest in the traditional territory of a Canadian indigenous tribe violates the rights of its members and should stop, says Amnesty International Canada.

Amnesty is calling on the Ontario government to respect a moratorium on logging declared by the people of Asubpeeschoseewagong, or Grassy Narrows, until "free, prior and informed consent" has been given.

"The Province of Ontario has long failed to uphold its responsibility to respect indigenous rights," the report states. "The province did not carry out meaningful consultation before licensing large-scale logging activities. And it has ignored clear calls from the community to stop the logging and other industrial development until consent is given."

Canadian Supreme Court rulings require meaningful consultation and accommodation of aboriginal concerns and, in some circumstances, the consent of the affected people before government undertakes activities that impact indigenous land use, the report points out. But all too often, federal and provincial policies and regulations fail to conform to what is required.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.