美專家敦促提高碳儲存技術投資比例 | 環境資訊中心


摘譯自2007年11月8日 ENS美國,華府報導;楊佳珊編譯;蔡麗伶審校

碳封存先進技術的燃煤電廠. 圖片來源:ENS美專家7日在一場公聽會中向參院小組委員會說明,今日封存燃煤電廠所產生的二氧化碳技術,實已脫離10年前與商業文化糾結的窘態。碳捕集與儲存(Carbon capture and storage, CCS)技術是世界公認對抗全球氣候變遷的重要一環,而此次的公聽會更是強調此一肅穆的觀點。

與會專家一致表示,碳封存技術的研究與發展,迫切需要大量資金的注入。碳封存專家赫左格(Howard Herzog)表示,「雖然在科學上地質封存法是可行的,但是現階段在技術或制度層面上,主要仍受限於資金匱乏,導致研究計劃遲滯不前。」


小組委員會主席凱利(John Kerry)藉此公聽會的機會,針對赫左格以及其他專家在會中共同關切的資金問題提出一項計劃。議案內容旨在提高投注資金,用以建造3至5座採用碳封存先進技術的燃煤電廠,同時規劃並進行3至5個大規模的封存計畫。


Experts Urge Major U.S. Investment in Carbon Storage Technology
WASHINGTON, DC, November 8, 2007 (ENS)

Technology to sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plants is at least a decade away from commercial reality, experts told a Senate subcommittee Wednesday. The hearing on carbon capture and storage offered a sobering view of what many believe is a critical component of the world's effort to seriously address global climate change.

The experts were unanimous in the view that a major increase in funding for carbon sequestration research and development is urgently needed. "While geologic sequestration is scientifically feasible, it is not technologically or institutionally ready," said Howard Herzog, a carbon storage expert. "The number one impediment to moving ahead is lack of funding."

The U.S. Energy Department currently spends about $300 million annually on carbon capture and storage technology research and development. Herzog said that figure should be boosted to at least $1 billion if commercially viable technology is to be available within 10 years.

Subcommittee chair John Kerry used the hearing to unveil a proposal to address many of the concerns raised by Herzog and other experts who testified at the hearing. Kerry's bill would increase funding with the aim of establishing three to five coal-fired power plants with advanced carbon capture technology and three to five large-scale sequestration projects.

The legislation authorizes $2.4 billion in annual grants through 2015 for the power plants, as well as $1.6 billion annually through 2015 for the sequestration projects.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.