否決加州溫室氣體減排立法要求 美環保署面臨挑戰 | 環境資訊中心

否決加州溫室氣體減排立法要求 美環保署面臨挑戰


美國環境保護署行政主管Stephen Johnson。圖片來源:Earth Negotiations Bulletin針對美國環境保護署(EPA)否決加州對機動車輛設定溫室氣體排放限制的要求一案,美國一個具影響力的國會委員會已經開始展開調查。這是美國環保署第一次在聯邦「清淨空氣法案」(Clean Air Act)規範下,否決有關減少污染的要求。

美國會「政府改革與監督委員會」(Committee on Oversight and Government Reform)已經命令環保署行政主管強森(Stephen Johnson)必須保存所有與這項決定相關的文件備查,也就是他在19日所發布否決降低聯邦的排放標準,使加州清淨汽車立法可以生效的相關決定。

加州國會議員同時也是委員會主席的沃克斯曼(Henry Waxman)要求強森,必須在2008年1月10日提供其辦公室裡所有與加州溫室氣體減排一案的相關文件,並提交給委員會備查;而環保署全部的辦公室與這項決定相關的文件也必須在1月23日送交委員會。


EPA Faces Wave of Challenges to California Waiver Denial
WASHINGTON, DC, December 21, 2007 (ENS)

A powerful Congressional committee has launched an investigation into the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's denial of California's request to impose limits on greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles and other tailpipe toxics. It is the first time a waiver request has been denied under the federal Clean Air Act.

The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has ordered EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson to preserve all documents relating to the decision he issued Wednesday not to grant a waiver of less stringent federal rules so that California's clean car law could take effect.

Committee chair Congressman Henry Waxman of California has requested that Johnson provide all the documents from his office relating to the California waiver request to the committee by January 10, 2008. Documents from all EPA offices relating to this decision are to be handed over to the commettee by January 23.

Announcing the denial, EPA administrator Johnson said the energy bill signed into law by the president earlier this week would be sufficient to curb greenhouse gases from cars because it mandates a 35 mile per gallon fuel efficiency standard for cars and light trucks across the country by 2020.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.