致命颶風肆虐赤貧海地 急需飲水、醫療援助 | 環境資訊中心

致命颶風肆虐赤貧海地 急需飲水、醫療援助


海地北部港口城市戈納伊夫受風災而淹水(圖片來源:American Red Cross)繼上週漢娜颶風在海地北部港口城市戈納伊夫造成500人喪生後,最新形成的致命颶風艾克,又在鄰近海地首都太子港的卡巴萊市奪走40條人命。







Deadly Hurricanes Devastate Impoverished Haiti
NEW YORK, New York, September 8, 2008 (ENS)

Hurricane Ike, the latest of the deadly storms, has killed more than 40 people in Cabaret, a village near Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, in addition to the 500 deaths in the northern port city of Gonaïves caused by Hurricane Hanna last week.

Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, is suffering the most from the four hurricanes and tropical storms that have swept through the Caribbean in less than a month.

In Haiti, where some 800,000 people have been affected by the flooding and lethal mudslides, UN agencies are providing emergency food assistance, water, purification tablets, blankets and other relief supplies.

Over half of Haitians live on less than US$1 a day. Some 4.3 million people, nearly half the population, are undernourished. This series of storms hit just as Haitians were struggling to cope with food and fuel price hikes, which were already forcing people to eat less and some to forgo sending their children to school.

Up to 600,000 people may need assistance in Haiti, which has been struck badly by three storms in three weeks - Faye, Gustav and Hanna.

Since the beginning of the humanitarian emergency, MINUSTAH has been providing security and logistical support to the Haitian authorities as well as the WFP and the UN Children's Fund.

The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, said Saturday that at least 300,000 Haitian children have been affected by the back-to-back hurricanes. UNICEF has made more than $1 million available to help hurricane victims, and a Flash Appeal from all UN agencies operating in Haiti will be launched in the coming days.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has launched an appeal for US$3.4 million to support the humanitarian operation of the Haitian Red Cross, which has been dealing with the impact of Hurricanes Gustav and Hanna.

The funds are urgently needed to allow the Haitian Red Cross to help some 50,000 people over the next six months. Essential food items, first aid materials, vital medicines, clean drinking water and shelter are among the most urgent needs at this time, according to IFRC specialists on the ground.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.