美國國會「大規模破壞武器與及恐怖主義防護委員會」10 日在紐約舉行了一場聽證會,紐約市長彭博會中對九位議員所組成的委員會說:「聯邦政府必須採取更多行動來幫助我們保護的城市。我很高興議員能重視這個委員會在預防上的重要性,因為國會本身失焦了。」
"The federal government needs to do more to help us protect our city," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told the first public hearing of the nine-member Congressional Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism Wednesday in New York.
"I'm glad to see that Congress has focused this Commission on prevention - because Congress itself has lost that focus," the mayor said.
"Seven years ago tomorrow, a group of terrorists brazenly attacked the city's two tallest skyscrapers, writing an ugly new chapter in the history of horror and evil," Bloomberg said. "In the seven years since, New Yorkers have come together to rebuild a city that is safer, stronger, and more welcoming than ever. "
The mayor said New York City is still the number one target of terrorists from around the world, yet for bioterrorism prevention funding it ranks 21st out of 54 eligible states and cities in the amount of funding provided in 2008.
Detailing the efforts his administration has made to prevent terrorism since he took office less than three months after the 9/11 attacks, Mayor Bloomberg accused the Bush administration and Congress of cutting the budget for terrorism prevention and allocating funds for it as part of a mix of other threats.
"At the same time, we also must keep working with Congress and the Department of Health and Human Services to fix the distribution of bioterrorism preparedness funding - which is allocated essentially without regard to the risk of terrorist attack," the mayor said.
"Because of the anthrax episodes in 2001, New York is one of only a handful of places in the nation that's ever experienced a bio-terror attack. Yet in Fiscal Year 2008, we received $2.72 per capita, putting us an incredible 21st out of 54 eligible states and cities."
His administration has made terrorism prevention its #1 priority, Bloomberg said. He and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who also testified before the commission, said that they have overhauled the NYPD's Intelligence Division and created a new Counterterrorism Bureau, which together now employ a total of 1,000 officers.
Since May, the commission has interviewed over 200 experts inside and outside of government. They have met with counterterrorism and intelligence officials in the United States and abroad who are working to stop proliferation and terrorism. The commission plans to issue its report in November 2008.