世界社會論壇:保育亞馬遜雨林 禁止人為破壞 | 環境資訊中心

世界社會論壇:保育亞馬遜雨林 禁止人為破壞


圍繞著原住民領袖、環境人士和行動主義者一起拼出一個拉弓射箭的武士圖騰,圍著葡萄牙文「SALVE A AMAZONIA」,意思是拯救亞馬遜。圖片提供: Amazon Watch1月27日,拉丁美洲原住民帶領世界社會論壇(World Social Forum)超過1000名與會者形成一份針對人類的禁令;他們用身體語言表達亞馬遜雨林與日俱增的危機,和雨林對氣候變遷的關鍵影響。

圍繞著原住民領袖、環境人士和行動主義者一起拼出一個拉弓射箭的武士圖騰,圍著葡萄牙文「SALVE A AMAZONIA」,意思是拯救亞馬遜。

巴西的亞馬遜原住民組織(COIAB)副管理長阿普里那(Marco Apurina)表示:「在這個關鍵時刻,原住民必須結合每一份力量,包括非原住民、行動主義者、教師、環境人士、各種團體和政府,一起保育這片雨林,以免為時已晚的遺憾發生。」





COIAB繼續解釋:「弓箭有三層意義:首先,我們希望無論男女長幼都有守護地球的決心;其次是宣示守衛原住民、大自然、地球和亞馬遜故鄉的權利;最後則是向世界發聲,希望每一個人都能協助我們保衛家園,保衛這裡的空氣、飲水和食物。」與會世界社會論壇之原住民。圖片提供: Amazon Watch

「守望亞馬遜」(Amazon Watch)執行長索塔尼(Atossa Soltani)警告,倘若亞馬遜的開發計畫不停,科學家已預測亞馬遜面積將在接下來10到20年間瀕臨永久生態浩劫,這個過程將會因排放大量碳,而加速全球氣候變遷。


1月30日,論壇將主辦一場討論會,主題是水、土地和「掠奪自然資源:舉國剝削的經濟基礎 」。

超過30個不同的無國家民族(stateless nations)和世界各地的原住民將首次齊聚世界社會論壇,搭同一個帳篷,參加一連串為期三天的演講、圓桌討論和座談會。

Human Banner Formed to Defend Amazon Rainforest
BELEM, Brazil, January 29, 2009 (ENS) -

Indigenous people from across Latin America led more than 1,000 World Social Forum participants to form a human banner Tuesday, using their bodies to dramatize the increasingly precarious situation of the Amazon rainforest, recognized as a key to climate stability.

Around the silhouette of a warrior taking aim with a bow and arrow, indigenous leaders, environmentalists and activists spelled out the message "SALVE A AMAZONIA," which means Save the Amazon in Portuguese.

"We are the guardians of the forest," said Marco Apurina, vice-coordinator of COIAB, Brazil's leading Amazonian indigenous organization. "This is a critical moment for indigenous peoples to unite with non-indigenous, activists, teachers, environmentalists, unions, government. The Amazon rainforest needs everyone to work together now to defend it before it's too late."

The Amazon Basin encompasses 5.5 million square kilometers of rainforest and includes territory belonging to nine nations.

The Amazon contains over half of the planet's remaining rainforest, but nearly 20 percent of the Amazon wilderness area has been deforested over the past 40 years

The mean annual deforestation rate from 2000 to 2005 amounted to 22,392 square kilometers per year, a rate that was 18 percent higher than in the previous five years.

The indigenous peoples of the Amazon see its conservation as their sacred responsibility. COIAB said in a statement, "With the permission of our ancestors' spirits, we indigenous peoples are here with our friends from all corners of the Earth. We build this symbol with our bodies as the cry of living beings from this green forest, this planet, for our continuity as humans and diverse creatures."

"The symbol of the bow and arrow has three meanings," COIAB explained. "The first, our aim that every man, woman, and child will decide to care for our planet; the second, the position of defending the rights of indigenous peoples, of nature, of the planet, and of our home the Amazon; the third, to send a message to the world so that each of us helps to protect our home, our air, our water, our food."

If development plans for the Amazon continue unchecked, warned Soltani, scientists predict that the entire Amazon region will be at the brink of permanent ecological collapse within the next 10 to 20 years. This process would release massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, accelerating global climate change.

The state of the Amazon is a critical focus during this World Social Forum, with one full day devoted to discussing the problems facing the world's largest rainforest and the indigenous peoples who depend on it.

On Friday, the forum will host a panel on water, land and "the plundering of natural resources, the economic basis for national oppression."

For the first time at the World Social Forum, representatives of 30 different stateless nations and indigenous peoples from across the world will share a tent and a three-day program of lectures, roundtables and workshops.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.