歐巴馬和小布希大不同 美國對汞管制政策大轉彎 | 環境資訊中心

歐巴馬和小布希大不同 美國對汞管制政策大轉彎


維吉尼亞州的發電廠排放有毒汞物質至空氣中 美國歐巴馬政府一改前任政府放任汞汙染的作風,採取更為嚴謹的態度看待此全球性議題。早在聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)管理委員會議2月16日於肯亞首都奈洛比開議之前,美方代表即公開支持商訂一部管控全球汞汙染的新條約,且於2009年開始實施。美國立場轉變之大,引起與會者一片嘩然。


UNEP行政主任史坦納(Achim Steiner)表示,這項處理汞汙染的政策框架,是由UNEP領軍且歷時7年的時間密集討論而牽成的全球共識。




自然資源保護委員會金恩(Susan Egan Keane)指出,「外界不少懷疑論者仍質疑美國對汞的政策立場是否可能說變就變,不過歐巴馬總統上台後,以最短的時間打破了他們的疑慮。」「他們紛紛表示,歐巴馬顛覆過去政府在國際舞台上阻礙且單邊的行動,以協力合作的方式認真看待這項新作法」。



Obama Shifts U.S. Policy to Back Global Mercury Control Treaty
NAIROBI, Kenya, February 16, 2009 (ENS)

The Obama administration has reversed the former U.S. position on limiting mercury pollution worldwide. Before astonished environment ministers attending the United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council opening session in Nairobi today, the U.S. delegation endorsed negotiations for a new global treaty to control mercury pollution, to begin this year.

Bush administration had opposed legally binding measures to control mercury, despite broad support among a majority of countries in the UNEP Governing Council.

UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner said the mercury policy framework is the result of seven years of intense discussions spearheaded by UNEP represents the first, coordinated global effort to tackle mercury pollution.

"It covers reducing demand in products and processes - such as high intensity discharge vehicle lamps and the chlor-alkali industry - to cutting mercury in international trade," Steiner said. "Other elements include reducing emissions to the atmosphere, environmentally-sound storage of stockpiled mercury and the cleaning-up of contaminated sites."

The nervous systems of humans and wildlife are very sensitive to all forms of mercury. Exposure to high levels of mercury can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, lungs, and developing fetus. Effects on brain functioning may result in irritability, tremors, changes in vision or hearing, and memory problems. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined that mercuric chloride and methylmercury are possible human carcinogens.

Environmental groups from the United States and around the world applauded the U.S. policy change.

"Skeptics doubted that the U.S. position on mercury could change so quickly, but the Obama administration made it happen in record time," said Susan Egan Keane of the Natural Resources Defense Council.

"They've shown that Obama is serious about a new approach of cooperation and collaboration, rather than obstruction and unilateral action, on the international stage."

The U.S. delegation's proposal on mercury requests the UNEP Executive Director to conduct, concurrent with the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee, a study to inventory facilities in sectors including coal-fired power plants, cement production, and non-ferrous metals mining and production in major mercury-emitting countries.

The U.S. requests that the report be prepared to inform the work of the second meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee, and that the Executive Director report the findings of the study at the 2010 UNEP Global Ministerial Environment Forum.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.