美國愛荷華水災後重建 志工與經費和將在春假到位 | 環境資訊中心

美國愛荷華水災後重建 志工與經費和將在春假到位


愛荷華遭受大水肆虐,各界資源正湧入重建 圖片提供: American Red Cross美國愛荷華州長卡佛爾(Chet Culber)和眾議員布雷利(Bruce Braley)日前宣佈,計有510萬聯邦和州政府資金在最後階段審核通過後,將用於兩個水災後復原保育計畫,重整在2008年春夏兩季水災中受損的基礎建設


其中一筆經費將提供迪比克郡(Dubuque)保育委員會295萬7400美金,修復西達脊嶺(Cedar Ridge)到Girl Scout Road之間被沖壞的遺跡(Heritage)小徑路面。


其餘資金將提供黑鷹郡(Black Hawk)保育委員會223萬美元,更新西達谷自然步道上的伊凡戴爾橋(Evansdale Bridge),在聯邦政府提高資助比例後,該單位可省下33萬4千5百美元。



州政府已分配2千萬資金用於西達市重建和再投資,該市在2008年2月的水災中受創,今年2月2日,考佛爾州長簽署一張重建愛荷華的5千6百萬支票,用於擴大臨時屋計畫(Jumpstart Housing Program)、提供個人災難基金和為社區籌備災難經費計畫。




東愛荷華國際聯合勸募(United Way)負責統籌相關計畫的卓斯高(Sue Driscoll)表示:志工會以不超過10人為一組,在西達市內被水災影響的地區進行任務。

Spring Brings Money, Volunteers for Iowa Flood Recovery
DES MOINES, Iowa, February 20, 2009 (ENS) -

Iowa Governor Chet Culver and Congressman Bruce Braley today announced that more than $5.1 million in federal and state funds has been identified and is in the final approval stage for two conservation related flood recovery projects in Iowa. These funds are part of the effort to help rebuild infrastructure following the historic floods of spring and summer 2008.

"Repairing our infrastructure after last years natural disasters means more than just roads and bridges. We must rebuild every facet of our state's infrastructure, such as our conservation trails and bridges. These are essential to our state's full recovery," Governor Culver said.

One funding package would provide the Dubuque County Conservation Board with $2,957,400 to repair washouts to the Heritage trail surface between Cedar Ridge and Girl Scout Road.

Because of the governor's actions to have FEMA fund 90 percent rather than the standard 75 percent of all recovery projects, the Board will save the 15 percent local match of $443,600. The remaining 10 percent of the project will come from state dollars.

The other funding package would provide the Black Hawk County Conservation Board with $2,230,000 to replace the Evansdale Bridge on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. The 90 percent arrangement will save the agency $334,500.

These projects are part of an expected 10,600 projects that will be identified under the State and Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance program designed to help public and some nonprofit agencies rebuild Iowa infrastructure and pay for response efforts.

Eligible entities in 84 counties qualify for public assistance under the state and FEMA program. To date, the state and FEMA have obligated more than $580 million in federal funds for public assistance for flood recovery projects in Iowa.

The state has allocated $20 million for recovery and reinvestment in the city of Cedar Rapids, which was hard hit by the 2008 floods. On February 2, Governor Culver signed the $56 million Rebuild Iowa Bill that expands the Jumpstart Housing Program, provides individual disaster grants and creates a community disaster grant program.

The bill earmarks $9.5 million for the Jumpstart Housing Program and sets aside $10.5 million for the other Cedar Rapids programs. Community Disaster Grant Funds can be used for land acquisition, public infrastruction repair and replacement, replacement housing, and assistance to small businesses and nonprofits.
A different kind of flood cleanup help also is coming to the city of Cedar Rapids. The University of Iowa is organizing an alternative spring break service project to do post-flood cleanup in Cedar Rapids, joining hundreds of volunteers from high schools, colleges and church groups across Iowa and the nation.

Hundreds of homes in Cedar Rapids remain in poor condition after the floods so the volunteers will clean and refurbish these structures over spring break next month.

Volunteers will be assigned to work in groups of up to 10 in flood-affected areas of Cedar Rapids, said Sue Driscoll of the United Way of Eastern Iowa, who is coordinating several of the flood clean-up projects.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.