美國出現第三起狂牛病例 | 環境資訊中心



美國本土第三起狂牛病。美國阿拉巴馬州的死亡牛隻已證實感染狂牛病,而這也是美國本土第三起動物感染腦部萎縮疾病的案例。美國農業部首席獸醫官員克里福德(John Clifford)在13日隨即發表聲明,表示此病牛尚未進入人類或動物的食物鏈。

Third Mad Cow Found in the United States
WASHINGTON, DC, March 13, 2006 (ENS)
Mad cow disease has been found in the carcass of a cow from an Alabama farm, the third case of the fatal brain wasting disease to be detected in a U.S. animal. The diseased cow did not enter the human or animal food chains, said U.S. Department of Agriculture Chief Veterinary Medical Officer John Clifford in a statement today.