南韓口蹄疫蔓延 亞洲地區拉警報 | 環境資訊中心

南韓口蹄疫蔓延 亞洲地區拉警報


聯合國糧農組織發佈,韓國爆發前所未有的口蹄病疫情。圖片節錄自:James Lee相本。聯合國糧食及農業組織(FAO)27日向亞洲地區國家的獸醫和境管局發佈,韓國爆發前所未有的口蹄病疫情消息。敦促各國當局警惕任何可能透過高傳染性疾病而致使家畜感染的跡象,並鼓勵主動採取施打疫苗接種的行動。

FAO首席獸醫官盧布羅茲(Juan Lubroth)表示,目前亞洲的疫情令人擔憂。由於臨近農曆新年假期,該地區大量的人潮將在此期間流動,其中很多人身邊會攜帶肉類甚或部分人士還會將動物運輸到各地。





FAO亞洲地區跨國動物疾病傳染緊急行動中心經理薩布哈什‧ 摩爾扎利亞(Subhash Morzaria)認爲,該疫情應視爲區域性問題。






Asia on Alert for Spread of South Korea's Livestock Disease
ROME, Italy, January 27, 2011 (ENS)

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization today notified veterinary and border authorities in Asia of an unprecedented outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in South Korea, urging them to be alert for livestock showing signs of infection by the highly contagious disease and urging proactive vaccination campaigns.

Juan Lubroth, FAO's chief veterinary officer, said that the situation in Asia is a cause for concern, given the approaching Lunar New Year holiday during which large numbers of people will be on the move in the region, many of them carrying meat and some transporting animals.

Foot-and-mouth disease is caused by a virus that affects cloven-hoofed animals, including cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, causing high fever. It is characterized by lesions in the animals' mouths and feet. The disease does not affect humans.

Since a cattle farm in Andong, North Gyeongsang was found to be positive for the virus on November 28, 2010, South Korea has been unable to curb the spread of the disease even though the government has imposed quarantines, initiated a vaccination campaign targeting nine million pigs and three million head of cattle, and culled 2.2 million animals.

The overall cost of the foot-and-mouth disease control effort in South Korea to date is estimated at $1.6 billion, according to the FAO.

"The current FMD dynamics in eastern Asia, as well as the magnitude of the outbreak in South Korea, are unlike anything that we've seen for at least a half century," said Lubroth. "This makes preparedness and monitoring extremely important right now."

Subhash Morzaria, the Asia regional manager of FAO's Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Disease Operations, said the outbreak must be tackled as a regional problem.

He said the agency's regional office for Asia and the Pacific is planning a meeting of chief veterinary officers of East Asian countries to discuss the situation and coordinate their response.

Lubroth said that when responding to outbreaks, countries should adhere to accepted practices that adequately take animal welfare and environmental impacts into account.

Foot-and-mouth disease has spread through China in recent years and entered eastern regions of Russia and Mongolia for the first time, the FAO said.

The disease recently affected an estimated 1.5 million Mongolian gazelles, whose migration may have helped carry the virus into China. FAO sent an emergency response team to Mongolia to help authorities cope with the disease.

One of the early signs of the disease in infected animals is the excessive production of saliva and nasal discharges. The foot-and-mouth disease virus may survive for several hours outside the infected animal, especially in cold and humid environments.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.