加拿大通過2%再生柴油燃料法規 | 環境資訊中心





加拿大聯邦環境部長彼得肯特(Peter Kent)於2月10日宣布該項新政策時表示:「當我們宣布此項可再生燃料政策時,我們很清楚技術層面的可行性決定了這2%的政策實施與否。在取得正面的成果後,更進一步推動該項政策,以期減少溫室氣體排放量,最終讓所有加拿大人呼吸到更清潔的空氣。」


該項刊載於 2010年9月1日的可再生燃料規定,就已經要求汽油中平均必須含5%的可再生成分。條例還規定,柴油燃料和取暖油必須有平均含量達2%的可再生成分。

一旦全面實施該政策的兩點規定,加上省級制定的相關法規所使用的可再生燃料總量,將能減少每年溫室氣體排放量高達4兆噸 -- 據加拿大環境部的説法,大約相當於路上減少了100萬部車輛。



哈珀(Stephen Harper,加拿大總理)政府與業界夥伴合作,用行動支持並揭示混合2%可再生柴油在寒冷天氣中的表現、不同氣候下長期貯存的狀態,對發動機和設備的影響,以及未來分配燃料可能出現的問題。



Canada Requires Two Percent Renewable Diesel Fuel
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, February 14, 2011 (ENS)

The Canadian government has set a start date of July 1, 2011 for requiring an average of two percent renewable diesel in all diesel fuel sold in Canada.

Renewable diesel is defined as a diesel fuel substitute made from renewable materials such as vegetable oil, waste cooking oil, animal fat, fish oil or cellulosic feedstocks consisting of agriculture and forest biomass. Biodiesel is one common example of a renewable diesel.

"When we announced our Renewable Fuels Strategy, we were clear that the two percent requirement would be implemented subject to technical feasibility," said Environment Minister Peter Kent, announcing the new policy on Thursday. "After positive results, we are moving forward with this requirement which will result in further reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately in cleaner air for all Canadians."

But the Canadian Trucking Alliance is challenging government claims that truckers will reduce their carbon footprint "in any significant manner" through the new biodiesel mandate.

The government's Renewable Fuels Regulations, published on September 1, 2010, already require an average of five percent renewable content in gasoline. The regulations also require an average of two percent renewable content in diesel fuel and heating oil.

When fully implemented, the strategy's two regulatory requirements combined with provincial regulations will ensure a total volume of renewable fuel that will reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by up to four megatonnes - about the equivalent of taking one million vehicles off the road, according to Environment Canada.

"We are meeting the commitments we have made to farmers, rural communities and industry to regulate the use of renewable fuels," said Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. "The new renewable fuel content in biodiesel and heating oil will give our farmers another market for their crops and demonstrates how agriculture can contribute to reducing Canada's environmental footprint."

Biodiesel will gel in cold weather, as will regular diesel fuel. But up to a 20 percent blend of biodiesel can be used year-round, in even the coldest of climates if it is treated for winter use.

The Harper Government worked with industry partners to support projects demonstrating how two percent renewable diesel blend performs in cold weather, how it weathers long-term storage, its impacts on engines and equipment, and possible problems with distribution of the fuel.

The report concluded that an average of two percent renewable content is technically feasible.

Reducing emissions in the transportation sector is a key component in the Harper Government's plan to achieve Canada's target of reducing total greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020.




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.