WWF五十周年 呼籲全球打造綠色經濟 | 環境資訊中心

WWF五十周年 呼籲全球打造綠色經濟




 歐盟環境委員會的Janez Potocnik。圖片來自:歐盟環委會辦公室。歐盟環境執委波托奇尼克(Janez Potocnik) 在會中表示,生物多樣性應得到充分的保護,否則後果將會是一場「大災難」。


WWF的國際主任委員Yolanda Kakabadse。圖片來自:Fundacion Avina。身為此次會議的座談會主席,WWF的國際主任委員Yolanda Kakabadse表示「我們在此慶祝WWF的59周年;然而,我們想要展望未來,而不是回首過往。在未來半個世紀裡,地球的水、食物和生命要如何發展?」

不丹的農業森林局局長 Pema Gyamtsho 博士許諾,不丹會在十年之內成為全球第一個完全有機的國家,這也是朝向永續經營的一步。


Gyamtsho 博士發表強烈呼籲:「我們必須馬上採取行動。」目前,許多地區已苦受飲用水缺乏的問題。

挪威環保局局長Erik Solheim 表示,為停止普遍的森林砍伐行動,將實質經濟價值推至生態系統和自然資源是必要且迫切的。


為了避免危險的氣候變遷並遏止生物多樣性的損失,WWF 也在週年慶當天發表一項新報告,並建議政策決策者和企業單位設立新目標,在西元2020年前,實現森林零砍伐和零破壞,以此開創新的全球基準。


同一時間,由印尼政府和WWF、全球倡議組織(Global Initiatives)共同主辦的全球企業環境峰會(the Business 4 Environment Global Summit)在雅加達登場,該報告由WWF的國際森林主任Rod Taylor在現場,也對與會政商領袖發表該份報告。

Rod Taylor表示:「你們可以向前邁步、扮演推動綠色經濟的要角;你們可以集思廣益、樹立新典範,在推動企業成長的同時減少全面的環境衝擊。因此,讓我再次邀請各位企業領袖,在此貢獻一己之力,開創綠色經濟及低碳未來。」


※ Living Forest's Report 線上下載(目前僅開放第一章) http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/how_we_work/conservation/forests/publica...

WWF Marks 50 Years With Urgent Call for Global Green Economy
ZURICH, Switzerland, April 29, 2011 (ENS)

Environmental leaders and politicians from around the world today called for an urgent move towards a global green economy in order to achieve sustainable development and wildlife conservation over the next 50 years.

Low-carbon technology, green infrastructures, investment in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture are essential in combating climate change, poverty and water shortages, said participants in the summit convened by WWF to mark the global conservation organization's 50th anniversary.

EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik told participants that unless biodiversity is adequately protected the consequences would be "catastrophic."

"Biodiversity and ecosystem services must be protected, valued and adequately restored," said Commissioner Potocnik. "It's essential for human well being and in our own self-interest."

"If we do not preserve ecosystems we will push biodiversity over the tipping point beyond which changes become irreversible and possibly even catastrophic," he warned. "It is an irrefutable fact that global consumption and use of resources is the biggest factor in a sustainable future."

Chairing the debate, WWF International President Yolanda Kakabadse said, "We are here to celebrate 50 years of WWF - but we want to look forward, not back. What is the next half century going to bring in terms of water, food and life on Earth?"

Bhutan's Minister of Agriculture and Forests, Dr. Pema Gyamtsho pledged that within 10 years, Bhutan would be the world's first totally organic country, as part of its drive towards sustainability.

He said water security is the biggest challenge facing Bhutan, a challenge that can only be solved through global action.

"We need to act now," he urged. Many areas are already suffering shortage of drinking water."

Norwegian Environment Minister Erik Solheim spoke of the urgent need to put real economic value on ecosystems and natural resources to help stop widespread deforestation.

"The big success story is Brazil where deforestation has been reduced by 70 percent in seven years - by far the biggest factor in fighting climate change. NGOs must encourage governments to take risks and support those politicians who do do something."

To avoid dangerous climate change and curb biodiversity loss, WWF proposed in a new report issued Wednesday that policymakers and businesses unite around a goal of zero net deforestation and forest degradation by 2020 as a groundbreaking global benchmark.

The report is based on a new global analysis showing that more than 230 million hectares of forest will disappear by 2050 if no action is taken.

Taylor presented the report to business and political leaders meeting this week in Jakarta, Indonesia, for the Business 4 Environment Global Summit convened by the Government of Indonesia in partnership with WWF and Global Initiatives.

"You can step forward and play an important role in promoting a green economy. You can come up with a new model that generates the business growth while reducing the overall environmental impacts. Therefore, let me once again invite all captains of industries here to contribute to the creation of a green economy and low-carbon future," said President Yudhoyono.

Today, WWF has more than 1,300 conservation projects underway in over 100 countries, to "stop the degradation of our planet's natural environment, and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature."


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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.