這艘船齡23年的延繩釣漁船公司發言人Andrey Kulish表示,船上載有約180噸的燃油。船員正在將水抽出,並且把部分貨物卸到冰上以減輕船隻重量。部分船員也先撤到冰上以防萬一。
RCCNZ的搜救任務協調員戴維斯(Ramon Davis)表示,RCCNZ與斯巴達號保持了無線電聯繫,並且已連絡數艘於南大洋作業的船隻提供協助,但厚重的海冰使船隻移動困難。
斯巴達號的姊妹船千代丸3號(Chiyo Maru no. 3)正在290海浬外朝它前進,但千代丸3號並沒有破冰的能力。紐西蘭籍的San Aspiring號有些許破冰能力,也正朝向斯巴達號前進。13日時距離出事地點有470海浬,依照其當時的速度將需要4至5天才能抵達。第三艘船只有19海浬的距離,但是厚重的海冰包圍使其無法朝斯巴達號前進。
A Russian fishing vessel with 32 crew members aboard issued a distress call around 3 am, after taking on water in the Ross Sea near the Antarctic ice shelf.
The Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand, RCCNZ, has confirmed that the 55 meter (180 foot) Sparta, is taking on water and currently has a 13 degree list.
RCCNZ, which is coordinating the rescue effort, says two other fishing vessels are making their way towards the stricken Sparta. They are expected to take four to five days to reach the area, about 2,000 nautical miles (3,704 kilometers) southeast of New Zealand.
The 23-year-old longliner is carrying around 180 tonnes of marine gas oil, said Kulish.
The crew is pumping water out of the holds and discharging cargo onto the ice to lighten the vessel. Some of the crew have been offloaded onto the ice, as a precautionary measure.
RCCNZ search and rescue mission coordinator Ramon Davis said RCCNZ is in radio contact with Sparta and has contacted a number of vessels operating in the Southern Ocean for assistance, but heavy sea ice is making vessel movement difficult.
Sparta's sister ship, Chiyo Maru no. 3, is making its way towards the stricken vessel from about 290 nautical miles away but has no capacity to cut or break through sea ice.
The New Zealand vessel San Aspiring, which has some capacity to move through ice, also is making its way towards the Sparta. San Aspiring is currently 470 nautical miles away and at its current speed is expected to reach the vessel in four to five days.
A third vessel is only 19 nautical miles away but is hemmed in by heavy ice and unable to move towards Sparta.
Davis said a Hercules aircraft from McMurdo Station is in the air and expected to reach Sparta around midday. A U.S. Antarctic research center located on the southern tip of Ross Island, McMurdo Station is the largest community in Antarctica.
The aircraft would not be able to rescue any of the crew, but it would assess the ice conditions and help identify options for speeding up the rescue effort, if possible.
Davis said there are no helicopters which could undertake a rescue in the area and the best option to assist Sparta is identifying a nearby vessel that could come to its aid.
Davis said RCCNZ is continuing to contact vessels in the Southern Ocean to see if any others with ice capability could assist.
"We are working to find a way to speed the rescue up, but it is possible the crew will have a fairly long wait for rescue," Davis said.
"We have confirmed the crew has immersion suits on board and other resources which will assist them to survive if they have to abandon the ship," he said.
The weather in the area currently is calm and the temperature is about three degrees Centigrade.
On November 29, 2011, the Australia-based Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources licensed Sparta to fish for Ross Sea toothfish, prized by high-end restaurants around the world.