過去認為,海底地下水只有在某些罕見的特殊條件下才會產生。但越來越多證據顯示,全球各地有外海的地下淡水和鹹水蘊藏量。「我們的研究顯示,海床下的淡水和鹹水地下水層其實是很常見的。」研究的主要作者、國家地下水研究培訓中心及澳洲弗林德斯大學環境學院地下水文學家Vincent Post博士說。
Huge reservoirs of low-salinity water have been discovered where they are least expected – buried under the seabed on continental shelves around the world.
A study published today in the scientific journal “Nature,” reveals that an estimated half a million cubic kilometres of low-salinity water has been located off Australia, China, North America and South Africa.
“The volume of this water resource is a hundred times greater than the amount we’ve extracted from the Earth’s sub-surface in the past century since 1900,” says lead author Dr. Vincent Post of the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training and the School of the Environment at Australia’s Flinders University.
“This volume of water could sustain some regions for decades,” said the groundwater hydrologist.
Groundwater scientists have known of freshwater under the seafloor, but thought it occurred only under rare and special conditions.
“Our research shows that fresh and brackish aquifers below the seabed are actually quite a common phenomenon,” Post said.
These reserves were formed over the past hundreds of thousands of years when on average the sea level was much lower than it is today, and when the coastline was further out, he explained.
“So when it rained, the water would infiltrate into the ground and fill up the water table in areas that are nowadays under the sea,” the scientist said.
“It happened all around the world, and when the sea level rose when ice caps started melting some 20,000 years ago, these areas were covered by the ocean,” he said. “Many aquifers were, and are still, protected from seawater by layers of clay and sediment that sit on top of them.”
The aquifers are similar to the ones below land and their salinity is low enough for them to be turned into potable water, says Dr. Post.
There are two ways to access this water – build a platform out at sea and drill into the seabed, or drill from the mainland or islands close to the aquifers.
While offshore drilling can be costly, Dr. Post says this source of freshwater should be assessed and considered in terms of cost, sustainability and environmental impact against other water sources.
There is mounting evidence for the global occurrence of offshore fresh and brackish groundwater reserves. But while many nations may now have new reserves of freshwater offshore, Dr. Post says they must manage the seabed with care.
“Where low-salinity groundwater below the sea is likely to exist, we should take care to not contaminate it,” he warns.
“Sometimes boreholes are drilled into the aquifers for oil and gas exploration or production, or aquifers are targeted for carbon dioxide disposal. These activities can threaten the quality of the water,” cautions Post.
Post also warns that these water reserves are not renewable. “We should use them carefully,” he said. “Once gone, they won’t be replenished until the sea level drops again, which is not likely to happen for a very long time.”
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