被忽視的「成長」 | 環境資訊中心


Daily Grist 美國;謝洵怡編譯

美國,04-28-00-根據一篇在自然期刊(Nature)新發表的研究報告指出,遏止新人類移民的擴散是拯救世界「生物多樣性熱點(biodiversity hotspots)」的唯一方法。此篇研究報告的作者之一、服務於人口行動國際組織(Population Action International)的羅伯特英格曼(Robert Engelman)說,世界上六十億人口中,有20%的人是居住在物種最豐富,但是受到人類威脅的地區。在具有豐富的生物多樣性的地區中,受族群擴張威脅最為嚴重的包括有西加斯里蘭卡/(Western Ghats / Sri Lanka)、菲律賓、加勒比海地區、(Caribbean)、熱帶的安地斯山脈(Tropical Andes)和馬達加斯加(Madagascar)。英格曼說 : 「這很清楚地顯示,保育者應該注意人口流向,他們甚至應該採取行動,來減少人口的成長。」

Daily Grist, USA, April 28, 2000
Halting the spread of new human settlements is the only way to save the world's "biodiversity hotspots," according to a new study published in the journal Nature. Nearly 20 percent of the world's 6 billion people live in the most species-rich and environmentally threatened areas, says Robert Engelman of Population Action International, one of the study coauthors. Areas of rich biodiversity that are particularly threatened by expanding populations include the Western Ghats/Sri Lanka, the Philippines, the Caribbean, the Tropical Andes, and Madagascar. Engelman: "It clearly signals to conservationists that they should be paying attention to population trends and they might even consider taking actions that might help slow the growth of the human population."

全文及圖片詳見 http://www.grist.org/news/daily/2000/04/28/

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