聯合國環境規畫署警告:全球死海區數量激增 | 環境資訊中心



墨西哥灣死海區每年成長18,000平方公里(圖片來源: Carleton College)聯合國環境規畫署提出示警,全球「死海區」(dead zone)的數量在過去兩年劇烈增加,進而威脅到當地水產資源與賴以為生的民眾。最新的發現指出,目前至少有200處死海區,較前年預估的149處多出許多。

UN Warns Ocean Dead Zones on the Rise
BEIJING, China, October 19, 2006 (ENS)
The number of dead zones in the world's oceans and seas has increased dramatically in the past two years, endangering fish stocks and the people who depend on them for food and livelihoods, the United Nations Environment Program warned Thursday. The latest study finds at least 200 dead zones across the world, up from an estimated 149 only two years ago.