野生藥用植物濫採瀕絕 IUCN設立新採收標準 | 環境資訊中心

野生藥用植物濫採瀕絕 IUCN設立新採收標準



努力推動這項新標準的單位,為世界自然保育聯盟(IUCN)物種存續委員會(Species Survival Commission)的藥用植物專家小組。該小組提出的報告指出,約有1萬5千種,相當於21%的藥用及香氛植物物種,面臨過度開採的危機。


在厄瓜多,世上最知名的藥草之一——西印度苦香樹(Cascarilla cinchona pubescens),為治療瘧疾的藥物「奎寧」的來源。世界自然基金會(WWF)指出,西印度苦香樹也可能因過度開採而面臨絕種的威脅。目前此種藥草被應用於治療各種疼痛,從腸胃不適到免疫系統的問題等等。 

Global Standard Set for Wild Medicinal Plant Harvesting
NUREMBERG, Germany, February 20, 2007 (ENS)

A new standard to promote sustainable management and trade of wild medicinal and aromatic plants was launched Friday in Nuremberg at Biofach, the World Organic Trade Fair. The standard is needed to ensure plants used in medicine and cosmetics are not over-exploited.

About 15,000 species, or 21 percent of all medicinal and aromatic plant species are at risk, according to the report by the Medicinal Plant Specialist Group of the IUCN's Species Survival Commission that sets forth the new standard.

More than 400,000 metric tons of medicinal and aromatic plants are traded every year, and about 80 percent of these species are harvested from the wild. Almost 70,000 species are involved, many of them in danger of over-exploitation or extinction through over-harvesting and habitat loss. In India, for instance, 319 medicinal plants are listed as Threatened by IUCN-the World Conservation Union.

In Ecuador, one of the best known medical herbs in the world, Cascarilla cinchona pubescens - the original source of the anti-malarial drug quinine - may be threatened as a result of over-exploitation, according to the global conservation organization WWF. Today the herb is used to treat a variety of ailments, from upset stomach to immune system problems.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.