商人施壓 中國恐將解除販售老虎商品禁令 | 環境資訊中心

商人施壓 中國恐將解除販售老虎商品禁令



諾威爾(Kristin Nowell) 與徐玲(Xu Ling,音譯)的報告中警告,若允許中國境內進行豢養老虎的買賣,絕大部分的用途將是製成中國傳統藥方或是衣物,而這等於是對瀕絕物種再一次宣判死刑。老虎面臨瀕絕威脅,目前全球野生成虎的實際數量已不到2500頭,而20世紀末全球老虎總數尚有10萬頭。



China Urged to Uphold Domestic Tiger Trade Ban
WASHINGTON, DC, March 13, 2007 (ENS)

Chinese business owners who would profit from the tiger trade are pressuring the Chinese government to overturn its successful 1993 ban on trading products made from tigers, according to a new TRAFFIC report released today by World Wildlife Fund and TRAFFIC - the wildlife trade monitoring program of WWF and IUCN-the World Conservation Union.

The report by Kristin Nowell and Xu Ling warns that allowing Chinese domestic trade in captive-bred tiger parts for use in traditional medicine and clothing to resume is a likely "death sentence" for the endangered species. Tigers are threatened with extinction, with a global effective population size of fewer than 2,500 adults in the wild, down from about 100,000 tigers of all ages at the turn of the last century.

Adding to the pressure on tigers, investors in the growing number of large captive breeding "tiger farms" in China have petitioned the government to legalize trade of products from these facilities, which now house a total of 4,000 tigers, Nowell and Ling report.

The farms keep captive-bred tigers together in large enclosures - a condition not found in the wild - and feed live animals to them before busloads of tourists. Such farmed tigers are unsuitable for reintroduction into the wild, TRAFFIC says.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.