塞浦路斯開放春季獵鴿 違反歐盟法 | 環境資訊中心

塞浦路斯開放春季獵鴿 違反歐盟法


位於比利時境內的歐洲鳩鴿,是《紅皮書》中的保育鳥類。(照片來源:Aves Belgium)塞浦路斯政府7日決定開放民眾捕獵候鳥,此時從非洲趕往歐洲繁殖地,沿途過境這個島國的鳩鴿,正好成為獵人槍口下的亡魂。保育人士認為在歐盟法的範圍內,塞國政府毫無權限這麼做。


國際自然保育聯盟已將歐洲鳩鴿列為保育鳥類的《紅皮書》之中,此外此物種更受到英國《野生物及鄉野法》(the Wildlife and Countryside Act)的保護。國際保護鳥類聯盟布魯塞爾分會已呈報歐盟執委有關塞國政府的決定,並且請示環境主委迪瑪斯(Stavros Dimas)立即採取堅決的法律行動。


Cyprus Allows Spring Dove Shoot in Violation of EU Law
BRUSSELS, Belgium, May 9, 2007 (ENS)

Hunters in Cyprus took aim at European turtle doves today as they flew across the island nation from Africa on their way to breeding grounds in Europe. Hunting of these migratory birds was allowed for two days by the Cyprus government in a decision. Conservationists called the decision "indefensible" under the European law.

Cypriot officials claim that the country’s thousands of hunters have too little chance to kill these birds in the autumn shooting season. Yet, between 19,000 and 30,000 turtle doves are being killed in Cyprus in August and September, according to government figures.

The European turtle dove is listed by the IUCN-World Conservation Union on the Birds of Conservation Concern Red List. The species is protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. BirdLife International in Brussels has informed the European Commission about the situation in Cyprus and intends to request "immediate and firm" action by Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas.

Malta, another EU country which permits spring hunting, is currently the subject of legal action from the European Commission. Cyprus might also face a European Court case.

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