保護無道路區國有林 美國二黨一致通過新法 | 環境資訊中心

保護無道路區國有林 美國二黨一致通過新法


華盛頓花岡岩山無道路區域居住著山貓、狼與灰熊等動物。(照片來源:Pacific Biodiversity Institute)美國參眾兩院24日在二黨以及保育團體的支持下,重新提出並且通過保育5850萬英畝無道路區國家森林的法案。


華盛頓州內的無道路區國家森林面積達200萬公畝,而也就是華盛頓州的二位民主黨議員-應斯理(Jay Inslee)眾議員以及坎特維兒(Maria Cantwell)參議員將保育無道路區的法案推向國會立法。

Bipartisan Bill Would Safeguard America's Roadless Forests
WASHINGTON, DC, May 25, 2007 (ENS)

Bills to enshrine the protection of 58.5 million acres of roadless national forests in law were re-introduced in the U.S. House and Senate on Thursday with bipartisan support and the backing of conservation groups.

These roadless areas in 38 states are now at risk of road construction, commercial logging, oil and gas drilling and mining exploration, despite a rule passed in the final days of the Clinton administration that protected them. The Bush administration repealed the rule in 2005 and is fighting a court decision overturning the repeal.

Two million of those roadless acres lie in the national forests of Washington state, and it is two Washington Democrats - Congressman Jay Inslee and Senator Maria Cantwell - who are leading the legislative push to safeguard the roadless areas.

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