美國第一夫人蘿拉(Laura Bush)15日在德州奧斯丁召集國家公園基金會第一屆慈善董事會,共思如何為國家公園出力。此次召集目的為協助布希政府解決長久以來維持美國58個國家公園營運的經濟問題,包括數百個國家名勝、湖岸、戰區、荒野暨自然河流、史蹟步道等。
2006年8月25日美國內政部長柯偉德(Dirk Kempthoorne)宣佈「百年紀念行動」。他提出從2008年會計年度開始,10年內每年聯邦財庫撥款1億美元,這筆款項與私人贊助相當,共同為復育國家公園出力,迎接2016年的百年紀念。
First Lady Laura Bush today convened the National Park Foundation's first Leadership Summit on Partnership and Philanthropy to benefit national parks at the University of Texas at Austin. The gathering is intended to advance the Bush administration's solution for dealing with the perennial financial problems of maintaining the 58 U.S. national parks and hundreds of other national monuments, lakeshores, battlefields, wild and scenic reivers, trails and historic areas.
On August 25, 2006, Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne announced the Centennial Initiative. He proposed that $100 million dollars of Federal funds, for 10 years beginning in Fiscal Year 2008, be leveraged with equal private donations to restore the national parks by their centennial year - 2016.
Secretary Kempthorne said, "The driving force behind the creation of our National Park System was the sheer will of the American people who set aside thousands of acres of wilderness for all to enjoy. And now, as we look forward to celebrating our 100th anniversary in 2016, it will be this same spirit of giving and public philanthropy that will keep our parks thriving for the next century."
In the face of public criticism, the National Park Service has reversed its previously announced plans to increase corporate donations through direct solicitations by park officials in return for greater "donor recognition" in the form of in-park displays and christening of park features - the Nike Trail, for instance, or Coca-Cola Hill. The reversal was announced in May 2006 after many critical comments were received.
Instead, the Park Service will allow corporate advertising featuring a tie-in to donation to park causes but would forbid corporate use of the NPS arrowhead symbol or the agency uniform. Donor plaques or other "non-intrusive displays" will be allowed, as will web and video links from park websites or kiosks to those of corporate donors.
But critics say the Centennial Initiative may actually worsen the growing backlog of deferred maintenance and skew priorities toward questionable projects pushed by donors.
Few if any of the projects selected in the first round of Centennial projects are on the park service maintenance backlog list, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, PEER, a national association of workers in natural resources agencies.
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