「順序是很重要的」委員會主席馬凱(Ed Markey),同時也是麻州的民主黨議員表示,「你不會先穿鞋再穿襪,就像我們不應該先賣出這些重要北極熊棲地的開採權,再來決定要怎麼保護他們。」
馬凱召集了一個公聽會,針對美國魚類及野生物管理局(USFWS)在1月7日所宣布的消息:關於北極熊是否列入《瀕危物種法》「受威脅」等級,該局尚無定論,延後再議──這樣的延宕,很可能會拖到美國礦業管理局出售阿拉斯加處克其海(Chukchi Sea)的石油和天然氣租賃權之後,這個地區共有約2,000隻北極熊居住在此。
這個事件變得敏感是因為,如果北極熊被列為瀕臨絕種動物,開放該區域的開採權將會面臨更嚴格的環境影響評估程序。 「這兩個決策的時間點讓大石油公司有門路可以在北極熊列入瀕危物種法保護名單之前,獲得北極熊棲地的開採權」馬凱表示。
Key polar bear habitat should be held off limits to oil and gas drilling until federal wildlife officials have determined whether the species should be listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act, the chair of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming said today.
"Order matters," said committee chair Ed Markey a Massachusetts Democrat. "You don't put on your shoes before your socks … and we shouldn't be selling the drilling rights in this important polar bear habitat before deciding how we are going to protect them."
Markey convened the hearing in the wake of an announcement on January 7 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that it will delay a decision on whether the polar bear should be listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act.
The delay makes it likely the decision on listing will come after the U.S. Minerals Management Service sells oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea, inhabited by some 2,000 polar bears.
That is controversial because the plan to open the area to drilling would face greater environmental scrutiny if the polar bear was on the endangered species list.
"The timing of these two decisions leaves the door open for the administration to give Big Oil the rights to this polar bear habitat the moment before the protections for the polar bear under the Endangered Species Act go into effect," Markey said.
A study issued last fall by the U.S. Geological Survey found that two-thirds of the world’s polar bears could disappear by 2050 due to increased sea ice melt caused by rising temperatures. The Chukchi Sea population, which makes up about half the U.S. polar bear population, is included in that estimate.
Concern about the impact of global warming on polar bears prompted the Fish and Wildlife Service last year to consider listing the species. The agency was scheduled to announce its decision on January 9 but instead said it needed a few more weeks to review information on the species.