印尼新幾內亞有處失落世界 新物種藏身其中 | 環境資訊中心

印尼新幾內亞有處失落世界 新物種藏身其中


國際保育組織副主席畢勒(Bruce Beehler)與團隊在印尼新幾內亞西部山區發現了一塊「失落的世界」,他嘆然直呼:「如果你要在地球上尋找伊甸園,此地也相去不遠了」,在這裡隨處可見新的鳥種、巨型花木和罕見生物,全然無畏於人類的活動。

不過,「看守印尼森林」組織的成員曼努朗(Togu Manurung)擔心這裡將成為盜獵者的新據點。因為這些前所未見的動植物在國際黑市裡的價值將水漲船高,尤其要捕捉無所畏懼的鳥類和哺乳類動物更是輕而易舉。他說:「政府應該優先保護這些新發現的生物。」

New Species Found in Lost World of Indonesian New Guinea
WASHINGTON, DC, February 8, 2006 (ENS)

"It's as close to the Garden of Eden as you're going to find on Earth," said an awed Bruce Beehler of Conservation International, co-leader of a team who found a "lost world" of new bird species, giant flowers, and rare animals that were unafraid of humans in the mountains of western New Guinea.

But Togu Manurung of Forest Watch Indonesia fears that the newly found area could now be targeted by poachers. Previously unknown plants and animals could be worth big money on the international black market, and birds and mammals with no fear will be easy to catch. "The government has to make it a priority to protect the species that have just been found," Manurung said.