綠色金融改革措施 將施惠肯亞農民 | 環境資訊中心

綠色金融改革措施 將施惠肯亞農民

摘譯自2008年5月7日ENS肯亞,奈落比報導; 吳萃慧編譯;蔡麗伶審校


這個非洲綠色革命聯盟(The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa,AGRA)與肯亞的公平銀行(Kenya's Equity Bank Ltd)、國際農業發展基金及肯亞農業部的夥伴關係,建立了一個新的貸款管道,這個管道將以5000萬美元的資金存底開始運作。


身為非洲綠色革命聯盟(AGRA)董事長的前聯合國秘書長安南(Kofi Annan)表示:「除非我們採取緊急措施,否則糧食的不確定性會更加深。當肯亞在一段動亂時期之後開始重建,還有很多挑戰需要面對。在肯亞國內有很多被迫離開家園的人,許多人失去了他們的土地,以及生產糧食的能力。肯亞國內有很大塊土地面積現在正面臨種子與肥料負擔上的挑戰」。


這項措施將使肯亞小農擺脫貧窮,並建立可行的營運模式。圖片來源:Pride Africa公平銀行首席行政官員曼吉(James Mwangi)表示:「公平銀行對於能夠提供這項服務給肯亞的農民及農業界感到很驕傲」。他指出:「農民是我們經濟的骨幹,他們應該獲得他們承擔得起的信用額度,這將使他們能夠因而獲得收入,並且能繼續肯亞的成長狀態」。



Green Financial Revolution Arrives for Kenya's Farmers
NAIROBI, Kenya, May 7, 2008 (ENS)

A new US$50 million partnership to finance Kenyan farmers was launched Tuesday to address both local and global food crises. The funding will allow smallholders and small agricultural enterprises to break out of poverty and build viable businesses.

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, or AGRA, in partnership with Kenya's Equity Bank Ltd, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the Kenya Ministry of Agriculture, established a new loan facility that will start out with a funding pool of $50 million.

The new three year pilot project is intended to speed access to affordable financing for 2.5 million farmers and 15,000 agricultural value chain members such as rural input shops, fertilizer and seed wholesalers, and importers, grain traders, and food processors.

"Unless urgent measures are taken, food insecurity will deepen," said Kofi Annan, who chairs the AGRA Board of Directors and is the immediate past secretary-general of the United Nations."As Kenya rebuilds following a tumultuous period, there are still many challenges ahead," Annan said. "There are lots of internally displaced persons. Many have lost their lands and ability to produce food. Vast areas of the country now experience challenges of getting access to affordable seeds and fertilizers."

Equity Bank's loan facility of US$50 million will operate against a US$5 million "cash guarantee fund" from AGRA and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. This innovative fund would reduce part of the risk of lending by Equity Bank, adding an element of security.

"Equity Bank is proud to be offering this service to the farmers and agricultural business of Kenya," said Bank Chief Executive Officer James Mwangi. "Farmers are the backbone of our economy. They deserve access to the affordable credit that will enable them to make a profit and continue Kenya's trajectory of growth."

The loans will be offered at a 10 percent interest rate per annum. By contrast, other agricultural loans can be charged at an interest rate as high as 18 percent.

AGRA will work with banks across African countries to scale up similar models, said Annan.

As part of the program, the Ministry of Agriculture plans to contribute millions of dollars in subsidies targeted to Kenya's most vulnerable farmers. Eligible farmers will receive vouchers that they can redeem at agro-dealer shops in exchange for farm inputs. Upon returning the vouchers to Equity Bank, the agro-dealers' accounts are credited, enabling them to purchase supplies.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.