加拿大為鯨魚、北極熊和野鳥捍衛極地家園 | 環境資訊中心



北方海燕(攝影Ryan Shaw)加拿大政府宣佈將透過建立新的3處國家野生物區,以保護努勒維特領地(Nunavut Territory)面積超過45萬英畝的北極荒野,其中包括了國際級的「重要野鳥棲地」。


加拿大自然署署長吉汎德(Julie Gelfand)表示:「這對加拿大境內的鳥類、生物多樣性保育和野地保存的行動是項好消息。」他並提出:「加拿大的兩處重要野鳥棲地位於卡庫路依特和阿克帕伊特國家野生物區。這表示數百萬隻候鳥的繁衍與覓食重點區域將得到妥善保育。」

根據這項協議,加拿大政府將投入830萬美元。加國環境部長貝爾德(John Baird)於8月22日發表新保育地區聲明時,同時表示:「首相哈珀(Stephen Harper)和政府正致力於實際上能對加拿大境內北極地區的環境以及居民有利的措施。」他還提到:「這證明我們保護物種以及牠們在北方的獨特棲地的承諾並非空談。」

昵津嘎尼克(Niginganiqu)國家野生物區保護弓頭鯨(bowhead whale)的主要棲地,而靠近布勞頓島(Broughton Island)和卡庫路依特(Qaqulluit)的阿克帕伊特國家野生物區則棲息多種海鳥,包括加拿大厚嘴海鷗(thick-billed murres)主要其中一處棲地和北方海燕(northern fulmars)在加拿大最大棲地。這些區域同時也是海象、海豹和北極熊的棲息地。

世界自然基金會加拿大分會執行長魯希爾(Mike Rusill)表示:「保護昵津嘎尼克區域的弓頭鯨是一場已長達26年的馬拉松。」他同時提到:「我們很感激克萊德河(Clyde River)沿岸居民的耐心和堅持,同時我們也要感謝加拿大政府和部長貝爾德推動這項法案過關的貢獻與承諾。」



在最近的另一項聲明中,加拿大安大略省省長麥堅迪(Dalton McGuinty)承諾永久保護該省北部22.5萬平方公里的北方森林。該區域佔安大略省總面積20%,與英國面積約略相等。 而魁北克省政府在5月宣布將保護新增的23處保育區共計涵蓋超過1.8萬8千平方公里的森林和溼地。其中15處新保育區位在北部地方。


Canada Preserves Arctic Wilderness for Whales, Bears, Birds
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, September 4, 2008 (ENS)

The Canadian government has announced that it will protect more than 450,000 hectares (1,737 square miles) of Arctic wilderness in the Nunavut Territory, including a globally significant Important Bird Area, by establishing three new National Wildlife Areas.

The protected areas are Niginganiq (Isabella Bay), Qaqulluit (Cape Searle) and Akpait (Reid Bay). All three sites are located on the northeast side of Baffin Island.

"This is great news for Canada's birds, biodiversity and the cause of wilderness preservation," said Julie Gelfand, president of Nature Canada. "Two of Canada's Important Bird Areas are found within the Qaqulluit and Akpait National Wildlife Areas. This means critical breeding and feeding grounds for millions of migratory birds will be preserved."

Under the agreement, the Canadian government is committing $8.3 million.

"Prime Minister [Stephen] Harper and our government are delivering real results that will benefit not only our environment in the Arctic, but the people who live there," said Environment Minister John Baird announcing the newly protected areas on August 22. "This is a real demonstration of our commitment to protect our species and their incredible habitat in the North."

The Niginganiq (nee geen ga nik) National Wildlife Area protects key bowhead whale habitat, and the Akpait (ak pa eet) and Qaqulluit (ka koo loo eet) National Wildlife Areas near Broughton Island are inhabited by seabirds including one of Canada's largest colonies of thick-billed murres and Canada's largest colony of northern fulmars. These areas also are inhabited by walruses, seals and polar bears.

"Protecting the bowhead whales of Niginganiq has been a 26 year marathon effort," said Mike Russill, chief executive of WWF-Canada. "We are grateful to the people of Clyde River for their patience and persistence, and we thank the government of Canada and Minister Baird for their dedication and commitment in pushing this finally over the finish line."

Environmentalists are grateful for the newly protected areas but warn that ongoing government funding will be needed to manage them and the entire system of National Wildlife Areas in Canada.

"Currently nearly 12 million hectares of wilderness are being managed on less than $4 million dollars annually, which is a tiny fraction of what is needed to properly address management concerns and protect wildlife populations," said Gelfand.

In another recent announcement, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, pledged to permanently protect 225,000 square kilometres (86,872 square miles) of boreal forest in the northern area of the province. Covering more than 20 percent of Ontario's total land mass, the area to be protected is roughly the same size as the United Kingdom.

In May, the Quebec government announced that it will protect more than 18,000 square kilometres (6,949 square miles) of forest and wetlands in 23 new conservation areas. Fifteen of these new conservation areas are in the boreal zone.

The move will bring the province closer to its pledge to protect eight percent of its natural spaces from development by the end of 2008. The new conservation areas amount to more than one percent of Quebec's total area and was the largest area of land protected in the province for more than 100 years.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.