紐約市長:小型濕地是抗暖化救星 將全力搶救 | 環境資訊中心

紐約市長:小型濕地是抗暖化救星 將全力搶救


紐約市內的人工濕地。圖片提供:New York City Dept. of Environmental Protection可能很難想像在曼哈頓的市郊,紐約市仍然保有濕地, 1月30日紐約市長彭博(Michael Bloomberg)發表的一份報告中指出,濕地保護這個城市,而現在卻同時也需要被保護。





「在『規劃紐約』(PlaNYC)的願景裡,我們承諾要研究濕地,並要建立像環保局管理的史坦頓島藍帶暴雨計畫(Staten Island Bluebelt stormwater project)那樣的濕地成功案例。」彭博表示。








New York City's Smaller Wetlands Remain Unprotected
NEW YORK, New York, February 2, 2009 (ENS) -

It's hard to image standing in midtown Manhattan, but wetlands do exist within New York City, and they both protect the city and need protection themselves, according to a report released Friday by Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

"Many New Yorkers don't realize there are thousands of acres of wetlands in the five boroughs," said Mayor Bloomberg. "Wetlands are robust ecosystems that perform crucial environmental functions like trapping pollutants, capturing stormwater runoff, sequestering carbon dioxide, and moderating storm surges."

Today, the city has only one percent of its historic freshwater wetlands and 10 percent of its historic tidal wetlands.

These tidal remaining wetlands are concentrated in Brooklyn around Jamaica Bay, in Queens, and in Staten Island, which also has freshwater wetlands.

Freshwater wetlands smaller than 12.4 acres are not protected by state law and are vulnerable to determinations that they are outside of the scope of federal protection.

The new report shows that the extent of these smaller wetlands in New York City is not fully known.

To gather more information on the smaller freshwater wetlands, the report recommends developing new high-resolution aerial and satellite wetland maps to precisely determine the size and location of unprotected wetlands before pursuing other options outlined in the report. This mapping is scheduled to start later this year.

"In PlaNYC, we promised to study wetlands and build on wetland successes like the impressive Staten Island Bluebelt stormwater project managed by the Department of Environmental Protection, as well as the thousands of acres of wetlands managed by the Parks Department," said the mayor.

The Staten Island Bluebelt is an award winning, ecologically sound and cost-effective stormwater management for about one third of Staten Island�s land area. The program preserves natural drainage corridors, including streams, ponds, and other wetland areas, saving tens of millions of dollars in infrastructure costs when compared to providing conventional storm sewers for the same land area.

The study also identifies threats to wetlands that are not from a lack of regulatory protection, but rather from the existing polluted or degraded condition of wetlands that may have been caused by rising sea levels and stormwater runoff.
In addition, submerged lands policy will be more important as sea levels rise in response to climate change. While open waters are subject to extensive state and federal regulatory protections, the city lacks a comprehensive submerged lands management policy.

To address these threats, the city's Climate Adaptation Task Force will release a report on policies for the adaptation of wetlands and other critical infrastructure later this year.

The city is also exploring alternative funding, mitigation banking and other mechanisms for improved restoration and maintenance of wetlands.

New York City and other municipalities in the state can request that the state designate any remaining wetlands below 12.4 acres to be of "unusual local importance" and thus within state protection.

Clickhere to view the report, which fulfills one of the 127 commitments in Mayor Bloomberg's PlaNYC.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.