巡迴演出馬戲團 玻利維亞下令禁止家養和野生動物表演 | 環境資訊中心

巡迴演出馬戲團 玻利維亞下令禁止家養和野生動物表演


Circo Barney y Sus Amigos 馬戲團被關在小籠子内的獅子。圖片由 ADI 提供。玻利維亞總統莫拉萊斯(Evo Morales)簽署了世界上第一個禁止巡迴演出馬戲團使用野生和蓄養動物表演的法律。


該法令於本月初簽署,是由玻利維亞波托西省(Potosi)的國會議員弗洛雷斯(Ximena Flores)所提出。預計不久將對外公佈。

追溯該法令之所以成型背後的一部分原因,應歸功於非營利性機構國際動物保護者協會(Animal Defenders International, ADI)臥底調查所搜集的證據。

調查人員在卡車後面發現一個小籠子,兩隻懷孕的獅子仍被迫繼續表演著。 ADI拍攝的影片顯示馬戲團的員工,用棒子毆打在馬戲團演出場地中的一隻獅子,並用金屬鍋毆打另一隻獅子。其中一個畫面還呈現了Circo Abuhadba 馬戲團被關在小籠子内的熊。圖片由 ADI 提供。員工在籠外用力拉扯籠內獅子頸部上的鏈子,造成其明顯的疼痛。

另外,在卡車後面還發現三隻棕熊被關在只有2.5 × 3公尺( 8.2 x9.8英尺)大的籠子裡。而他們唯一的運動就是來回馬戲團演出場地作短暫的表演。更離譜的是,當動物被指揮進行舞蹈、裝死、騎自行車等活動時,現場並沒有屏障保護觀眾的安全。


該調查的結果與國際動物保護組織針對巡迴演出馬戲團裏動物受虐的情況所提出具科學證據的報告 --「受虐的科學根據」,一同提交給玻利維亞國會。



ADI在倫敦、舊金山、波哥大等地皆設有辦公室,宣導保護娛樂用途的動物、替換實驗用動物;杜絕全球瀕危物種走私;提倡素食;反對大量養殖;反污染和重保育等活動。 此外,ADI還拯救世界各地落難的動物。該團體提出的證據引發了全球一波保護動物的宣導和立法行動。

Bolivia Bans Wild and Domestic Animals in Traveling Circuses
LA PAZ, Bolivia, July 14, 2009 (ENS)

Bolivian President Evo Morales has signed the world's first law prohibiting the use of both wild and domestic animals in traveling circuses.

This is the first national law to ban the use of both domestic and wild animals in circuses. To date, Croatia, Singapore, Austria, Israel and Costa Rica have all banned wild animals in circuses. Similar bans on animal use in traveling circuses in Costa Rica, Finland and Denmark only prohibit the use of wild animals or certain species.

The Bolivian law, signed earlier this month, was tabled by Congresswoman Ximena Flores of Potosi. It is expected to be published shortly.

The law arose as a result of evidence gathered during an undercover investigation by the nonprofit Animal Defenders International.

Investigators found lions confined in a tiny cage on the back of a truck - two were pregnant but were forced to continue to perform. ADI videos show circus employees beating a lion in the circus ring with a baton and beating a caged lion with a metal pan. In one video, a caged lion was jerked by a chain around its neck by circus workers outside the cage, causing visible pain.

Three brown bears were kept in tiny compartments measuring just 2.5 x 3 meters (8.2 x 9.8 feet) inside a cage on the back of a truck. Their only exercise was the walk to and from the ring for their short performance. There were no safety barriers to protect the audience as the animals were made to dance, play dead and ride a bicycle.

Other ADI videos showed circus employees beating a wolf and a llama in the circus ring. The findings of the investigation were presented to the Bolivian Congress together with a report from Animal Defenders International on the scientific evidence of suffering of animals in traveling circuses, "The Science on Suffering."

The new law bans the use of wild and domestic animals in circuses in the Bolivia, as their conditions and confinement are considered acts of cruelty.

The circuses will be allowed one year to adapt their shows to a humans-only program and during this time, the government will issue regulations on confiscation and monetary sanctions for any breaches of the law.

With offices in London, San Francisco and Bogota, ADI campaigns to protect animals in entertainment, replacement of animals in experiments; worldwide traffic in endangered species; vegetarianism; factory farming; pollution and conservation. ADI also rescues animals in distress worldwide. The group's evidence has led to campaigns and legislative action to protect animals around the world.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.