巴基斯坦百年水患 上千人不幸罹難 | 環境資訊中心

巴基斯坦百年水患 上千人不幸罹難


圖說:巴基斯坦空軍協助卸下美國軍機送抵災區的哈拉餐點(Halal meals, 符合回教教義的食物);圖片來源: U.S. State Dept.由於豐沛的雨季降雨氾濫成災,巴基斯坦西北部有超過1100位民眾在洪災中喪生,據稱這是1929年以來最嚴重的一場洪水。某些估計則顯示死亡人數已達1400人。

巴基斯坦國家災害管理局主席納迪姆‧艾哈邁德(Lt-Gen Nadeem Ahmed)在伊斯蘭馬巴德告訴媒體,除了造成人員死亡,全國各地約有250萬居民因洪水而遷離。

聯合國世界衛生組織回報,在原名為西北邊境省的開伯爾─巴圖克瓦省(Khyber Pakhtunkhwa),遭洪水淹沒的區域裡,大約還有2萬7千人等候撤離。


受災最嚴重的地區為開伯爾─巴圖克瓦省的Peshawar、Nowshera、Charsada、Swat、Shangla與Kohistan,有上千位民眾受困在頂樓;另外還有自由查謨和克什米爾(Azad Jammu and Kashmir)的上尼拉姆河(Upper Neelam)谷地。


這次洪災造成公共基礎設施的重大損失,包括道路和數十座橋樑,並破壞電信與手機通信設備。另有超過 2萬5千棟房屋被毀。



以聯合國人道救援協調人馬丁‧馬格彎納(Martin Magwanja)為首的快速評估小組搭乘直升機訪查Nowshera及Charsada區,因沒有道路可以通到這些淹水地區。而由於天候惡劣,評估小組無法抵達Swat與Shangla兩區。


根據世界衛生組織表示,目前極需要腹瀉治療設備、心理社會支持(psychosocial support)、衛生宣導防疫、氯化消毒用水,以及作為臨時醫療設施與用以疫苗接種的帳棚。

旁遮普省北方Rawalpindi區的區域衛生官員Khalid Randhawa對記者表示,「積水使得未來幾週爆發登革熱的可能性增加。」散播這種致死熱病的埃及斑蚊便是在積水中繁殖。





未來 2至3個月,該機構打算擴大援助規模,提供食物給15萬個以上的家庭,這些家庭僅存的少許家產都毀於洪水。



Pakistan Inundated By Worst Floods in Living Memory
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, August 2, 2010 (ENS)

More than 1,100 people have died in the flooding in Northwestern Pakistan, let loose by hard-driving monsoon rains said to be the worst since 1929. By some estimates the death toll has reached 1,400.

Lt-Gen Nadeem Ahmed, chairman of the National Disaster Management Authority, told the media in Islamabad that, in addition, about 2.5 million people "have been displaced by floods across the country."

The UN World Health Organization reports some 27,000 people are still waiting to be evacuated from flooded areas in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, KPK, formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province.

The parts of Pakistan affected most by the flooding are among the poorest in the country, where the UN World Food Programme is already helping nearly three million people uprooted by violence along the border with Afghanistan.

The worst affected areas are Peshawar, Nowshera, Charsada, Swat, Shangla, Kohistan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where thousands of people are stranded on rooftops, and the Upper Neelam Valley in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

The National Disaster Management Authority reports dozens of deaths in Punjab and Balochistan provinces as well.

The floods have caused major damage to infrastructure, including roads and dozens of bridges, and have knocked out phone and cell phone services. In addition, more than 25,000 homes have been destroyed.

Entire communities of mud-brick houses are reported to have been swept away, and some provincial cities have been isolated after road and rail links were severed.

Floods have inundated the Dera Ismail Khan Airport, or D.I. Khan Airport, in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, one of only two airports connecting the southern districts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa with other parts of the country.

A rapid assessment mission headed by UN Humanitarian Coordinator Martin Magwanja visited Nowshera and Charsada district by helicopter as there is no road access to these flooded districts. Due to bad weather the mission could not reach Swat and Shangla districts.

The flyover mission included officials from the World Health Organization, the World Food Programme, and UN-Habitat. Their report warns that cases of diarrhea are increasing due to contaminated water; the district health staff are affected by the floods and stocks of medicines are damaged or destroyed in most health facilities.

There is an urgent need for diarrhea treatment kits, psychosocial support, hygiene promotion interventions, the chlorination of water, tents for temporary health facilities and vaccination campaigns, according to the WHO.

Khalid Randhawa, the district health officer for Rawalpindi District in the northern province of Punjab, told reporters that "standing water had increased the chances of a spike in dengue fever in the weeks to come." The aedes aegypti mosquito, which spreads the deadly fever, breeds in standing water.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement that he is "deeply saddened by the significant loss of lives, livelihoods and infrastructure in Pakistan," pledging the UN's "full commitment" to supporting authorities to meet humanitarian needs.

Ban announced that up to $10 million will be disbursed from the UN's Central Emergency Response Fund.

The United States has made an initial commitment of $10 million in aid and is rushing helicopters, boats, pre-fabricated bridges, mobile water treatment units, and emergency food supplies to meet Pakistan's humanitarian needs.

The World Food Programme has begun distributing food to more than 35,000 families. The first emergency rations for flood victims reached some 3,000 families Sunday in Peshawar, Nowshera and Charsadda.

Over the next two to three months, the agency plans to scale up its assistance to feed up to 150,000 more families who lost what little they had to the floodwaters.

A WFP warehouse for food supplies for both Pakistan and Afghanistan also has sustained damage, which could further complicate efforts to distribute urgently-needed supplies.

WFP is assisting with the Pakistani government's damage assessment in the worst affected districts, as well as working to determine the extent of the damage across the border in Afghanistan, where heavy flooding has also been reported.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.