「這個罕見旱災的程度在美國監測旱災的12年歷史中從未見過。」美國旱災防治中心,布拉斯加州林肯大學的助理環境科學家和氣候學家,Brian Fuchs說到。
在俄克拉荷馬州,這場旱災已摧毀了牧草地,迫使畜牧業者往災情較輕微的地區去尋找牧草,也促使州長Mary Fallin發布行政命令,准許卡車司機可乘載運輸兩倍的牧草量。
- 新墨西哥州(全區處於旱災,其中有48%的區域達罕見旱災標準)
- 路易斯安那州 (全區處於異常乾燥或是旱災,其中有33%的區域達罕見旱災標準)
- 奧克拉荷馬州(全區處於異常乾燥或是旱災,其中有52%的區域達罕見旱災標準)
- 南卡羅來納州全區有97%處於異常乾燥或是旱災,其中有16%的區域達極端旱災到罕見旱災的標準)
- 喬治亞州(全區有95%處於異常乾燥或是旱災,其中有68%的區域達極端旱災到罕見旱災的標準)
- 阿肯色州(全區有96%處於異常乾燥或是旱災,其中有6%的區域達罕見旱災標準)
- 佛羅里達州(全區有89%處於異常乾燥或是旱災,其中有20%的區域達罕見旱災標準)
德州A&M大學的大氣科學教授,John Nielsen-Gammon氣候學者表示:「德州已經乾旱好一段時間了,這個熱帶氣旋將會為這地區帶來一點水量。」
這波熱浪肆虐美國中部和東部,上個月已打破許多高溫的紀錄。在今年華府(華氏84.5度),奧克拉荷馬州(華氏89.2度)以及德州的Wichita Falls(華氏92.9度)等地區的七月都是有史以來最高溫的一個月。
In July, exceptional drought across the Lower 48 states hit the highest levels in the history of the U.S. Drought Monitor.
An official with the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln says nearly 12 percent of the contiguous United States fell into the "exceptional" classification during the month, peaking at 11.96 percent on July 12.
That level of exceptional drought has never before been seen in the monitor's 12-year history, said Brian Fuchs, UNL assistant geoscientist and climatologist at the National Drought Mitigation Center.
Exceptional drought brings widespread crop and pasture losses, as well as shortages of water in reservoirs, streams and wells, creating water emergencies. Across Texas, crops are shriveling in the fields and pastures are burning. Many farmers and ranchers will have little or nothing to harvest. As of this afternoon, Dallas has had 31 consecutive days with temperatures of 100 degrees or higher.
In Oklahoma, the drought has destroyed hay fields, forcing livestock producers to seek hay from less-affected areas and prompting Governor Mary Fallin to issue an executive order allowing truck drivers double their hay loads.
"The weather has made this an extremely tough year for Oklahoma farmers," said Governor Fallin last week, after securing a disaster declaration in 69 Oklahoma counties from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. "This declaration will help those who have been hard hit by drought and other bad conditions to get the assistance they need."
Meanwhile, Excessive Heat Warnings, Watches, and Advisories remain in effect across parts of the Mississippi Valley, Central and Southern Plains, warns the National Weather Service.
The U.S. Drought Monitor uses a ranking system that begins at D0 (abnormal dryness) and moves through D1 (moderate drought), D2 (severe drought), D3 (extreme drought) and D4 (exceptional drought).
The most recent drought monitor report, released late last week, indicated that 59 percent of the United States was drought-free, while 41 percent faces some form of abnormal dryness or drought.
Two weeks ago, 64 percent of the country was drought-free.
Currently, 18 percent of the country is classified as under either extreme or exceptional drought, Fuchs said. Much of it is in the south, particularly Texas, where the entire state is experiencing drought - three-fourths is considered exceptional.
Other states that are at least 85 percent abnormally dry or in drought include:
- New Mexico (100 percent in drought, 48 percent exceptional)
- Louisiana (100 percent abnormally dry or in drought, 33 percent exceptional)
- Oklahoma (100 percent abnormally dry or in drought, 52 percent exceptional)
- South Carolina (97 percent abnormally dry or in drought, 16 percent extreme to exceptional)
- Georgia (95 percent abnormally dry or in drought, 68 percent extreme to exceptional)
- Arkansas (96 percent abnormally dry or in drought, 6 percent extreme to exceptional)
- Florida (89 percent abnormally dry or in drought, 20 percent extreme to exceptional)In the next two to three weeks, some drought-affected areas may see some improvement, said Fuchs, but Tropical Storm Don, Texans' hope for rainfall on the weekend was disappointing.
Don came ashore near Baffin Bay late Friday, weakened abruptly prior to landfall, Don producing only scattered showers, amounting to less than an inch of rain.
"It's been so dry in Texas for so long, this one storm will be a drop in an empty bucket," said Texas State Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Texas A&M University
The period from February through June was by far the driest on record with a Texas-wide average of 4.26 inches of rain. The next driest occurred in 1917 with 6.45 inches.
The heat wave baking the Central and Eastern U.S. last month claimed more records. July was the warmest month ever recorded in Washington, DC (84.5), Oklahoma City (89.2) and Wichita Falls, Texas (92.9).
The drought monitor combines numeric measures of drought and experts' best judgment into a weekly map. It is produced by the National Drought Mitigation Center, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and incorporates review from 300 climatologists, extension agents and others across the nation.
Each week the previous map is revised based on rain, snow and other events, observers' reports of how drought is affecting crops, wildlife and other indicators.