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全球聯合行動 共推社區森林擁有權








High Powered Global Coalition Aims to Boost Community Forest Rights
WASHINGTON, DC, May 4, 2006 (ENS)

"The world's forest sector is in the midst of the biggest transformation since the colonial era," says Andy White. "We're seeking to encourage and expand the kind of reforms, such as those affecting property rights, that will allow forest communities to progress from barely surviving to thriving." As president of the Rights and Resources Group, White is coordinating a new initiative that aims to double the global forest area under community ownership and management by 2015.

"It is now apparent that forests can play a big part in boosting living standards of the poor, but only if we can overcome the many forces that prevent the rural poor from owning, using and selling their forest products and services," White said on Wednesday, announcing the new Rights and Resources Initiative. The Rights and Resources Initiative is based on the idea that the solution to the widespread poverty is to empower forest communities with clear rights to own and use forest resources.

"Most of the world's tropical forests are government owned and managed, despite legitimate local claims to the forest and the limited ability of governments to protect these vast resources," said David Kaimowitz, director-general of the Center for International Forestry Research, CIFOR, based in Indonesia. "Commercial use is often restricted to a few privileged players - too often logging companies that harvest the forests unsustainably - with little payback to rural communities for schools, roads, and services that might spur economic growth," Kaimowitz said.

Today, local communities, including indigenous residents, manage at least 370 million hectares of forest, according to the Rights and Resources Initiative, which says that local communities are now protecting more biodiversity in forest areas than is currently conserved in parks and other private or government-protected areas. "But significant legal and other barriers persist," said Achim Steiner, director-general of IUCN.

"But significant legal and other barriers persist," said Achim Steiner, director-general of IUCN. "This initiative aims to support communities and governments in addressing these barriers on a global scale, building on the momentum that is already underway."

"We need to help national governments understand how it is in the national interest, economically and environmentally,” said RRG Board Member Yati Bun, who heads the Foundation for People and Community Development. But changing the status quo will be a complex process, requiring new policies that define clear local property rights so the forest-dependent poor can participate openly in forest markets and forest conservation.

Board member Alberto Chinchilla, head of the Coordinating Association of Indigenous and Community Agroforestry in Central America, believes the situation in many countries is ripe for the kind of assistance RRI can provide. "What we have seen in Central America is that once local groups get their foot in the door, with the right kind of assistance, they can push it wide open and enter into a new era of using forests to achieve economic independence while preserving the forests for generations to come," Chinchilla said.