都市運輸拚永續 「歐洲易行周」獎落斯洛維尼亞首府 | 環境資訊中心

都市運輸拚永續 「歐洲易行周」獎落斯洛維尼亞首府


歐盟執委會本月24日在布魯塞爾舉行頒獎典禮,2013年永續都市運輸計畫獎的殊榮頒給西班牙城市里瓦斯-瓦西亞馬德里德(Rivas-Vaciamadrid);斯洛維尼亞首都盧比安納(Ljubljana),則獲頒2013歐洲易行周(European Mobility Week)獎項。



政府各部門合作 西班牙城市獲獎

歐盟副主席兼交通與運輸委員Siim Kallas在頒獎時表示,「里瓦斯-瓦西亞馬德里的運輸部門和環境、安全、教育和健康相關部門通力合作,加上在道路安全上的努力,獲獎實至名歸。」




2013歐洲易行周:"Clean Air, It’s Your Move"


針對2013年歐洲易行周主題「舉手投足淨化空氣」(Clean Air, It’s Your Move),盧比安納動員多方利害關係者一同參與,包括研究中心、學校、幼稚園、運動協會和公民團體。




Cities in Spain, Slovenia Win Sustainable Mobility Awards
BRUSSELS, Belgium, March 26, 2014 (ENS)

At an award ceremony Monday in Brussels, the European Commission honored the Spanish municipality of Rivas-Vaciamadrid with the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Award for 2013 and also honored Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia, with the European Mobility Week Award.

The annual Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Award is presented to local authorities that are excellent at addressing urban mobility challenges through developing and implementing sustainable urban mobility plans.

Each year has a particular focus. The 2013 awards recognize cities with mobility plans illustrating the integration of economic, social, and environmental policy criteria.

The 2013 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Award attracted 21 applications from 11 EU countries.

An expert jury assessed the applications on their achievements and selected the winning city to receive the prize of 10,000 euros to support their awareness-raising activities on sustainable urban mobility.

Presenting the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Award, EU Vice-President Siim Kallas, commissioner for mobility and transport, said, “Rivas Vaciamadrid is a very deserving winner because it stands out for the joint efforts of its mobility department and the environment, safety, education and health sectors, as well as for its actions for better road safety.”

Rivas-Vaciamadrid is located at the meeting point of the Jarama and Manzanares rivers approximately 20 kilometers from central Madrid.

It has been one of the fastest growing municipalities in Spain; the population has increased from 500 inhabitants in the 1980s to roughly 80,000 today.

Despite the high growth rate, almost three quarters of the municipality form part of the south eastern regional park, making it an important ecological center with numerous lakes and many species of wildlife.

To reduce the number of journeys made by car, Rivas Vaciamadrid has developed programs that aim to improve road safety, while reducing noise and air pollution.

An example is its School Paths road safety educational program, through which the city facilitates discussion between parents and teachers on their school’s mobility.

The European Mobility Week prize winner Ljubljana set up an extensive program of activities and events promoting sustainable travel during European Mobility Week September 16-22, 2013.

In addition, Ljubljana introduced permanent measures to encourage use of public transport, cycling and walking.

Focusing on the 2013 theme, “Clean Air, It’s Your Move,” Ljubljana engaged a wide variety of stakeholders, including research centers, schools, kindergartens, sports associations and citizens associations.

By extending its existing noise and air quality measurements, Ljubljana was able to get a better overview of the impact of motorized traffic on public health and quality of life.

The city also used the occasion to carry out research on travel behavior and gather data on bicycle usage.

During the car free day, Ljubljana restricted car access to Slovenska Street, one of the main boulevards of the city that was heavily affected by car traffic. This area will now be gradually redesigned as a pedestrian zone.

Runner-up cities Östersund, Sweden and Budapest, Hungary also demonstrated their commitment to sustainable urban mobility by developing creative campaign formats and introducing new transport solutions.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.