取締非法捕魚 131國家立法在港口管控 | 環境資訊中心

取締非法捕魚 131國家立法在港口管控





此控管方式還包括訓練巡檢員增加效率,以及改善國際間對IUU(非法、未通報、未受規範) 船隻的資訊共享,幫助權責單位驅逐再犯。 歐盟委員柏格(Joe Borg)指出:「此次港口管控提案對於抵制IUU行為是急迫且重要的,歐盟自從2002年採用『IUU行動計劃』後就非常需要這個提案,我很高興我們現在擁有限制對深海漁業破壞的行動時間表。」 

131 Governments Set Their Nets for Illegal Fishers
ROME, Italy, March 12, 2007 (ENS)

Illegal fishers beware - 131 governments agreed Friday to create a legally binding accord establishing control measures in ports where fish is landed, transhipped or processed in order to combat illegal, unreported or unregulated fishing. Fishing without permission, catching protected species, using outlawed types of gear or disregarding catch quotas are among the most common fishing offenses.

The decision came during the 27th meeting of the Committee on Fisheries of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, attended all last week in Rome by 131 governments and the European Commission. Additional consultations will be held in 2007 and 2008 to generate a draft version of the agreement, which will then be presented to the Committee on Fisheries for final approval at the body's next meeting in 2009.

The proposed agreement will be based on an existing voluntary FAO model outline of recommended "port state" control measures. Port state controls include measures such as running background checks on boats prior to granting docking privileges and undertaking inspections in port to check documentation, cargos and equipment.

The control measures include training inspectors to increase their effectiveness and improving international information-sharing about vessels with a history of IUU activity in order to help authorities turn away repeat offenders. "The proposals on port state control are critical to the fight against IUU, and something which the EU has been calling for since the adoption of its 2002 IUU Action Plan," said Commissioner Joe Borg. "I am also pleased that we now have a timetable for action to limit the destructive impact of deep sea fisheries."




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.