越南又發現蛇類、蝴蝶、及蘭花新種 | 環境資訊中心



越南綠廊道發現的新蘭花植物種 (圖片來源:GCP)由世界野生動物基金會(the World Wildlife Fund,WWF)所支持的科學家們,在越南中部一個偏遠林區發現了11種科學上新的動植物種類。

在一個素有「越南綠廊道(Vietnam Green Corridor)」的古老熱帶森林區域,科學家們發現1種蛇、5種蘭花、2種蝴蝶、以及3種僅存於安南山脈(Annamites Mountain Range)的科學新紀錄植物種。


WWF的首席保育科學家迪金森(Chris Dickinson)博士表示:「所發現的這麼多新物種都是很稀有的,而且他們只存在綠廊道等很特別的環境裡。這些地方在1990年代也曾發現一些大型哺乳動物種類,因此這些近期的發現可能僅僅是冰山的一角」。


儘管如此,許多地區主管當局(特別是承天順化省森林保育部,Thua Thien Hue Provincial Forest Protection Department)已經允諾要保護並且永續經營這些珍貴且特殊的森林。

New Snake, Butterfly, Orchid Species Found in Vietnam
WASHINGTON, DC, September 26, 2007 (ENS)

Scientists with the World Wildlife Fund have discovered 11 animal and plant species new to science in a remote forested area in central Vietnam.

Within the ancient tropical forests of a region known as Vietnam Green Corridor, scientists found a snake, five orchids, and two butterflies as well as three other plants new to science and exclusive to the Annamites Mountain Range.

Ten other plant species, including four orchids, are still under examination but also appear to be new species.

"Discoveries of so many new species are rare and occur only in very special places like the Green Corridor," said, WWF chief conservation scientist in the Green Corridor. "Several large mammal species were discovered in the 1990s in the same forests so these latest discoveries may be just the tip of the iceberg."

WWF wildlife experts warn that all of these species are at risk from illegal logging, hunting, unsustainable extraction of natural resources and conflicting development interests.

Yet, local authorities, especially the Thua Thien Hue Provincial Forest Protection Department, have committed to conserve and sustainably manage these precious and unique forests.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.