美國加州頒佈反式脂肪禁令 | 環境資訊中心



食用油的類型對心血管將造成不一樣的影響。圖為炸馬鈴薯。圖片來源:FryTest美國加州州長阿諾史瓦辛格於7月25日簽下一法案,規定加州所有餐廳在2010年以前停用對人體有害的反式脂肪(Trans Fats),而烘焙業的禁令在2011年開始實施。


加州州長簽署的AB97號法案是由一位來在紐華克的民主黨議員門多薩(Tont Mendoza)所提出。


反式不飽和脂肪酸,或是我們平常所稱的反式脂肪,是一種原料為液態植物油,經金屬催化劑與氫反應後形成的固態脂肪。如果產品成分標明上有「部分氫化」(partially hydrogenated)等字樣,代表該產品含有反式脂肪






研究人員索督絲(Mary Beth Sodus)指出:「若幼童從3、4歲開始固定攝取速食、起司條、炸魚條、蛋糕、餅乾、糖果、微波爆米花等含有反式脂肪的食物,他們將會比沒有吃這種食物的兒童容易得到心臟病。我們的研究發現,有些8到10歲的兒童已經有膽固醇過高與脂肪阻塞血管的症狀,家長可以養成他們健康飲食習慣來降低心血管疾病的風險。」





California Bans Trans Fats
SACRAMENTO, California, July 25, 2008 (ENS)

As of 2010, no California restaurant will be able to serve foods containing a harmful form of fats called trans fats, under a bill signed into law today by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Baked goods containing trans fats will be banned in California as of 2011.

With this law, California became the first state in the nation to phase out the use of trans fats. In 2004, the 18 restaurants in the Bay Area town of Tiburon voluntarily stopped using trans fats in their cooking oils, making it the first American city to go trans fat-free. New York City followed suit with a trans fat ban that began on July 1, 2008 with a three month grace period.

The governor signed bill AB 97 authored by Assembly member Tony Mendoza, a Norwalk Democrat.

California businesses will have a window period to transition to healthy oils and products that are trans fat free or face fines that range from $25 to $1,000.

Trans unsaturated fatty acids, or trans fats, are solid fats produced by heating liquid vegetable oils in the presence of metal catalysts and hydrogen. If a product's list of ingredients contains the words "partially hydrogenated" the product contains trans fat.

Trans fats are produced commercially in large quantities to harden vegetable oils into shortening and margarine to help extend product shelf life.

Trans fats lower HDL (good) cholesterol and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol. They increase rigidity and clogging of arteries, cause insulin resistance, and contribute to Type 2 diabetes and other health problems.
According to the New England Journal of Medicine, eliminating artificial trans fats from the food supply could prevent between six and 19 percent of heart attacks and related deaths each year.

Coronary heart disease is California's leading cause of death, and AB 97 will be a strong step toward removing this harmful substance from the foods that Californians purchase and consume, said the governor.

Research conducted at the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that children who consume trans fats early in life will develop heart disease sooner than other children.

"Children who start at age three or four eating a steady diet of fast food, pop tarts, commercially prepared fish sticks, stick margarine, cake, candy, cookies and microwave popcorn can be expected to get heart disease earlier than kids who are eating foods without trans fats... Some of our research here at the University of Maryland has shown that kids as young as eight, nine and 10 already have the high cholesterol and blood fats that clog arteries. By starting healthy eating habits early, parents can help their children avoid heart attacks and stroke," said researcher Mary Beth Sodus.

According to the American Heart Association, trans fat should make up less than one percent of calories for Americans over two years old.

"Another major change in the dietary recommendations is a lower goal for saturated fat - from less than 10 percent to less than seven percent - and establishing a goal for trans fatty acids of less than one percent of total calories," the American Heart Association said in a 2006 statement.

The advocacy group Ban Trans Fats is declaring victory. The group started the move to ban the unhealthy fats with a lawsuit against Kraft Foods in 2003 to eliminate trans fat in Oreo cookies. As a result, Kraft eliminated trans fat from Oreos and reduced or eliminated it in about 650 other products.

Now several communities have jumped onto the ban trans fats bandwagon, including Philadelphia and Boston.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.