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入侵種老鼠掠食 英國小島信天翁瀕臨滅絕


信天翁。圖片提供:ITT 根據英國皇家鳥類保護協會(Royal Society for the Protection of Birds,RSPB)的研究顯示,嚴重瀕絕物種崔斯坦信天翁(Tristan Albatross)現正遭逢有史以來情況最糟的繁殖季,羽翼未豐的幼鳥數量快速減少。現在崔斯坦信天翁的幼鳥數量比他原本該有的數量少了約五倍之多,因為從外地引進且具掠食性的的入侵鼠種,正漸漸侵食生活在果夫島(Gough Island)上的信天翁幼鳥。果夫島是英國在南大西洋的屬地,也是信天翁的唯一棲地。


國際鳥盟(BirdLife)世界海鳥保育計畫主席克羅沙(John Croxall)表示:「崔斯坦信天翁現在遭受嚴重的雙重打擊:牠的幼鳥因為外來鼠種的掠食而早夭,而成鳥和半成鳥(少年期的幼鳥)則是被延繩釣船所誤殺。在島上或在海上被殺害的信天翁數量是無法忍受的,然而如果沒有投入重要的保育行動,崔斯坦信天翁將會絕種。」

英國皇家鳥類保護協會科學家卡斯柏(Richard Cuthbert)表示,「我們很久以前就知道老鼠掠食了很大數量的新天翁幼鳥,但是我們現在才知道其目前正是其遭受有史以來情況最糟的一年。」卡斯柏從2000年開始就已經著手針對果夫島上的老鼠問題進行相關研究。

卡斯柏說,「這些老鼠同時也可能造成果夫島上另一種鳥類的絕種,我們知道這些老鼠同樣也會掠食高夫鵐(Gough bunting)的蛋和幼鳥,而老鼠掠食幼鳥是最近這些鳥類數量減少的最主要原因。」




Killer Mice on UK Island Eating Birds to Extinction
CAMBRIDGE, UK, December 12, 2008 (ENS)

The Critically Endangered Tristan Albatross has suffered its worst breeding season ever, according to research by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. The number of fledgling chicks has decreased rapidly and it is now five times lower than it should be because introduced predatory mice are eating the chicks alive on Gough Island. The South Atlantic territory of the United Kingdom is the species' only habitat.

A complete survey of the Tristan Albatross on Gough Island in January showed there were 1,764 adult albatrosses incubating eggs. A later survey revealed that only 246 chicks had survived to fledging.

"Tristan Albatross is being hit by a double whammy. The chicks are predated by mice and the adults and juveniles are being killed by longline fishing vessels," said John Croxall, chair of BirdLife's Global Seabird Programme. "Unsustainable numbers are being killed on land and at sea. Without major conservation efforts, the Tristan Albatross will become extinct."

"We've known for a long time that the mice were killing albatross chicks in huge numbers. However, we now know that the albatrosses have suffered their worst year on record," said Richard Cuthbert, an RSPB scientist who has been researching the mice problem on Gough Island since 2000.

The mice are also wiping out another Gough Island bird species, says Cuthbert. "We also know that the mice are predators on the eggs and chicks of the Gough bunting and mice predation is the main factor behind their recent decline."

Eradicating mice is the single action that would solve the primary conservation threat facing both species, say the bird experts.

Still, UK government funding to eradicate the mice is lacking. This is despite recognition from two prominent UK House of Common's Committees that the "biodiversity found in the UK Overseas Territories is equally valuable and at a greater risk of loss" than that in the UK and that "current levels of funding are "grossly inadequate."

The RSPB has been involved in a feasibility study to test whether it is possible to remove the mice. So far, the trials look promising, giving both species a more optimistic future. Funding of this year's work on Gough has come from the Overseas Territory Environment Programme.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.