海洋保育團體遭拘留船隻 成功逃離南非 | 環境資訊中心

海洋保育團體遭拘留船隻 成功逃離南非


海洋看守保育協會船艦阻撓日籍捕鯨船進行作業。海洋看守保育協會(Sea Shepherd)之加拿大籍船艦Farley Mowat號,今年1月曾於南極洲海域阻撓日籍捕鯨船進行作業,返航南非開普敦港口後即因政治因素遭到拘留。經過數個月努力,透過南非海洋安全協會協調未果,船員於是決定於15日夜間摸黑開溜,成功駛離,逃離南非政府的拘留。

Sea Shepherd Ship Escapes from South Africa
CAPE TOWN, South Africa, June 16, 2006 (ENS)
The vessel Farley Mowat, the flagship of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, managed to escape South African detention Thursday night under the cover of darkness. The Canadian registered marine wildlife conservation ship slipped out of Cape Town Harbor after months of unsuccessful efforts to get the South African Marine Safety Association to lift a politically motivated detention order imposed on the ship when it returned from pursuing the Japanese whaling fleet in Antarctic waters last January.