第三屆世界城市論壇溫哥華開幕 | 環境資訊中心



聯合國人居署(UN-Habitat)署長提貝盧卡(Anna Tibaijuka)20日於第三屆世界城市論壇的開幕式中向各國代表宣佈,「永續都市就在眼前」。提貝盧卡在會中提問說:「我們已有各國領袖簽署的全球宣言,承諾在政治上優先解決;我們也有一連串具體的目標,有全球性行動的計劃、政策方針與建議,以及參與度逐漸提高的公民社會。然而,為何我們所居住的都市,無論在已發展或發展中國家,都越來越朝向不永續發展?」


這場在溫哥華舉行的論壇,是由聯合國負責城市發展之機構「人居署」(UN Human Settlements Programme,或稱UN-Habitat)所辦理的,總共有數前名世界各國代表與會。提貝盧卡希望與會人士能貢獻新想法,協助解決一些迫切性的城市問題。」

UN-Habitat署長提貝盧卡(Anna Tibaijuka)提貝盧卡在開幕式中說:「本屆世界城市論壇的子題『化想法為行動』,就是要明確點出我們所在的位置,點出了我們所需要的新想法…我相信大會議程的安排,是要鼓勵探索新的想法──「後設想法」(meta-ideas),也就是如何把新想法付諸實行的想法。」




World Urban Forum III Seeks New Solutions to City Problems
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada, June 20, 2006 (ENS)

海得拉巴"The sustainable city is now within sight," declared Anna Tibaijuka, head of UN Habitat, speaking Monday to delegates at the opening of World Urban Forum III. "We have the global statement of political priorities by world leaders, a set of measurable targets, a global plan of action, policy guidelines and recommendations, and an increasingly engaged civil society. Why, then, are our cities ?in both the developed and developing world ?becoming less and less sustainable?" she asked.

Tibaijuka peppered the audience of thousands, including Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, with questions. "Why are urban slums, which now contain over one billion people and their myriad of problems, still growing at a rate that outpaces all our attempts to deal with them? Why is urban sprawl and our gross consumption of energy becoming more worrisome? Why have the leaders of nearly all member states not acted fully on their commitments?" she demanded.

Thousands of delegates from throughout the world are here for the event, organized under the auspices of the UN Human Settlements Programme, or UN-Habitat, the city agency of the United Nations.
Tibaijuka hopes they will contribute new ideas to help solve some of these pressing urban problems.

"The sub-theme of this Third World Urban Forum, 'turning ideas into action' identifies the precise point where we are most in need of new ideas," Tibaijuka said. "I trust the agenda of this forum has been designed to encourage the exploration of meta-ideas – ideas on the implementation of yet new ideas."
In his address to the delegates Monday, Prime Minister Harper called urbanization "a powerful, irresistible phenomenon."

To encourage Canadians to use their cars less often, Harper said, his government is providing generous tax credits for the users of public transit. "This will help ease traffic congestion and improve urban air quality." "We have also reached an agreement with the provinces to set a national target of five percent biofuel content in Canadian gasoline and diesel fuel by 2010," Harper said.

UNEP's Executive Director Achim Steiner said, "In 2007, for the first time in history, more people will be urban than rural dwellers. By 2050, some six billion people are expected to be city dwellers. The World Urban Forum is thus an important meeting central to all our interests."

"The urban environment is inextricably intertwined with the rural one and inextricably linked with the way local, regional and global natural resources are soundly and sustainably managed," said Steiner. "So it is vital that we get cities right if we are to meet the internationally agreed development goals, if we are to deal with such pressing global issues as climate change."