In a unanimous decision, the Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey has affirmed the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's regulations to protect people from the impacts of mercury emissions from iron and steel melters.
The decision, released by the court April 13, allows the state to move forward with its efforts to address four of the largest in-state sources of mercury - iron and steel melters, coal-burning power plants, municipal solid waste incinerators, and medical waste incinerators.
On November 4, 2004, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, DEP, issued the first regulations ever to control mercury emissions from iron and steel melters.
Iron and steel melters, the largest New Jersey-based source of mercury emissions, emit an estimated 1,000 pounds of mercury into New Jersey's environment every year.
The court decision boosts the state's efforts to take mercury out of the environment by regulating all four of the largest sources.
Scientists estimate up to 600,000 U.S. children are born each year with neurological problems leading to poor school performance because of mercury exposure while in the womb.
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