冰島停止捕鯨一年 | 環境資訊中心



2006年10月,他們正在剝離鯨魚身上的肉。(圖片來源:Jonas Fr. Thorsteinsson courtesy goecco.com)冰島政府決定不再核發商業捕鯨配額,除非市場對鯨魚肉的需求增加,尤其是日本市場。鯨魚保育人士宣稱這是一項成功並歡慶這項決定。但是冰島的捕鯨業者希望能繼續獵捕鯨魚,表示如果沒有產品可供販賣,那麼市場也就無法擴大。

冰島漁業部長渥凡森(Einar Guofinnsson)24日向路透社表示,政府相信在8月31日配額到期之後,沒有理由應允許更多的捕鯨行為。




動物福利國際基金會英國分會會長馬斯蘭(Robbie Marsland)表示:「對鯨魚和冰島來說,這都是大好消息。捕鯨既殘忍又沒必要,且我們所有的研究都顯示,不管是冰島或是國際上,沒有什麼人想吃鯨魚肉。

海洋守護保育協會創辦人瓦森(Paul Watson)指出,他花費20年「奮力」與冰島捕鯨業搏鬥,如今民意共同對抗捕殺與食用鯨魚肉這兩項議題。


Iceland Puts Down Its Whaling Harpoons for a Year
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, August 27, 2007 (ENS) -

2006 年10月,孩子正在觀看一條被宰割的鯨魚。(圖片來源: Jonas Thorsteinsson courtesy goecco.com)Whale conservationists are declaring victory and celebrating the decision by the government of Iceland not to issue any more commercial whaling quotas until market demand for whale meat improves, especially in Japan. But Icelandic whalers want to continue the hunt, saying they cannot build up the market if there is no product to sell.

Icelandic Fisheries Minister Einar Guofinnsson told the Reuters news agency Friday that the government believes that there is no reason to allow more whaling after the current quota expires on August 31.

Last October Iceland announced a return to commercial whaling. Despite an international moratorium on commercial whaling that has been in place for over two decades, Iceland and issued a quota of 30 minke whales and nine fin whales, listed by the IUCN-World Conservation Union as an endangered species.

Of that quota, Icelandic whalers have killed seven minke whales and seven fin whales but have not been able to market the meat for a number of reasons.

But fears of high toxic levels in North Atlantic whale meat have made both Icelanders and Japanese consumers reluctant to buy it.

"This is fantastic news for whales and for Iceland," said Robbie Marsland, director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare's UK office.

"Whaling is cruel and unnecessary," he said, "and all of our studies have also shown there is little appetite for whale meat in Iceland or internationally."

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Founder Captain Paul Watson says his 20 year long "aggressive" campaign against Icelandic whaling has turned public opinion against the twin ideas of whale hunting and eating whale meat ".

Iceland has been deterred by condemnation from the International Whaling Commission for their illegal slaughter of whales. They have been deterred by the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species which will not authorize the sale of Icelandic whale meat to Japan. And they have been deterred by international public criticism," Watson said Friday.

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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.