CITES對北極熊、黑鮪魚保護做出讓步 | 環境資訊中心



華盛頓公約(加拿大北極熊皮地毯的售價為 8000美元。圖片來源:Bear Skin World。國際瀕危物種貿易公約,CITES)175個成員國的代表於18日決定,北極熊產製品的交易將不再受到CITES的限制。


國際人道協會(Humane Society International)野生動物董事以及物種生存網路執行董事的泰瑞莎博士說,我們對於CITES成員代表不支持這麼重要的議案感到十分的失望。










歐盟環境執委波托奇尼克(Janez Potocnik)以及漁業執委達曼納基(Maria Damanaki)稱,這個提案是為了黑鮪魚以及漁民的永續利益,「我們仍然堅信,為了確保大西洋黑鮪魚數量能夠恢復,嚴格的措施有其必要性」。


世界自然基金會地中海漁業首長以及CITES會議觀察員塞爾吉博士(Sergi Tudela)說,「過去數月以來,即使有大西洋兩岸主要的黑鮪魚漁獲配額持有者的支持,越來越多科學證據以及政治立場也同意,但各國政府卻沒有機會對黑鮪魚國際貿易禁令進行有意義的辯論,實在是件非常的令人反感的事」。




CITES Turns Down Protections for Polar Bear, Bluefin Tuna
DOHA, Qatar, March 18, 2010 (ENS)

International trade in polar bear parts and products will not be restricted under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, CITES,delegates from 175 countries decided today.

Wildlife conservation and animal protection organizations say they are disturbed by the decision not to protect the polar bear. If approved, the groups say the ban would have kept at least 3,000 polar bears out of commercial trade over the next decade at a time when the species is increasingly threatened by loss of habitat due to global climate change.

"We are deeply disappointed that the CITES Parties did not supported this vital proposal," said Dr. Teresa Telecky, director of wildlife for Humane Society International and executive director of the Species Survival Network.

"A ban on the commercial trade in polar bear parts and products, such as bear skin rugs, would have helped to reduce pressures on populations already threatened by habitat loss through climate change," she said. "Today's decision may put the last nail in the coffin for the polar bear."

The conservation groups say climate change is destroying the polar bear's sea ice habitat at such a rate that its population is predicted to decline by two-thirds by 2050. Polar bears cannot survive without sea ice, from which they hunt seals, their main prey.

In Canada alone 689 polar bears are legally killed each year. The parts and products of an average of 300 of these polar bears are exported annually.

Greenland also exported polar bear parts and products for commercial purposes until 2008 when a temporary moratorium on exports was established. Despite the moratorium, Greenland continues to permit hunting of 130 polar bears per year, which may enter international trade in the future. The other range states, the United States, Norway and the Russian Federation, prohibit the international commercial trade in polar bear parts and products.

The European Union is the largest importer of polar bear parts, importing 65 percent of those traded for commercial purposes over the last 10 years; this includes 775 skins and 1,279 skin pieces.

The EU has recognized the impact of commercial trade by banning imports of polar bear specimens from two populations in Canada because the authorities could not demonstrate that take levels were sustainable. It so far has failed to stop imports from five other declining Canadian populations, the conservation groups say.

Two slightly different proposals, by Monaco and by the European Union, to ban commercial trade in Atlantic bluefin tuna so the depleted species can recover were turned down by CITES delegates.

The vote followed several days of aggressive lobbying from the Japanese, who take close to 80 percent of the catch Atlantic Bluefin for consumption as sushi.

The European Commission, which had united all 27 EU member states behind the ban proposal, expressed disappointment.

Calling the proposal "a strong commitment towards a sustainable future for the bluefin tuna and for fishermen," EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik and Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki said, "We remain convinced that stringent measures are needed to ensure the recovery of Atlantic bluefin tuna."

"If action is not taken, there is a very serious danger that the bluefin tuna will no longer exist," the commissioners said.

"After overwhelming scientific justification and growing political support in past months - with backing from the majority of catch quota holders on both sides of the Atlantic - it is scandalous that governments did not even get the chance to engage in meaningful debate about the international trade ban proposal for Atlantic bluefin tuna," said Dr. Sergi Tudela, head of fisheries at WWF Mediterranean and an observer at the CITES conference.

Speaking from Halifax, Greenpeace Canada oceans campaigner Sarah King said, "Today is a day of mourning. Earlier today, Greenpeace activists formed a funeral procession at a Sobeys supermarket to mourn the loss of the Atlantic cod, an iconic species on the east coast."

"Almost at the same moment, governments around the world doomed Atlantic bluefin tuna to a similar fate when they turned down proposals to protect the seriously endangered species," said King.

The northwest Atlantic cod was regarded as heavily overfished throughout its range, resulting in a crash in the fishery in the United States and Canada during the early 1990s. The cod have failed to recover even with the cessation of fishing.




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.