WG2新增議題、章節 聚焦因應措施
「這份報告探討氣候變遷已經造成的後果和未來可能產生的危險,涵蓋所有的地理區域和產業、從海洋到人類安全等各項議題。」第二工作小組的聯合主席、美國卡內基科學研究所Chris Field博士說。
氣候變遷帶來全球衝擊 沒有一國倖免
如同過去所有的IPCC報告,這份報告也強調因應措施和減碳的重要,以避免更嚴重的災情。第二工作小組的共同主席,來自阿根廷的Vicente Barros博士表示,「我們身處於『人造氣候變遷』的時代,任何投資的前期評估工作越是完善,就越有能力替我們的現在和將來付利息。」
AR5分四部曲 10月完成總體報告
Fast-rising sea levels, declining fisheries, more air pollution and an ice-free Arctic summer are projected by scientists and government representatives from around the world meeting now in Yokohama to finalize the latest assessment of climate change impacts on human and natural systems.
This report by Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, covers options for adaptation, and the interactions among climate changes, other stresses on societies and opportunities for the future.
Initial drafts of the report leaked to the media project that climate change will increase the risk of food and water shortages and related social conflicts in the coming decades.
“This report considers consequences of climate changes that have already occurred and the risks across a range of possible futures. It considers every region and many sectors, ranging from oceans to human security,” said Dr. Chris Field of the Carnegie Institution for Science in the United States, who serves as co-chair of Working Group II.
Working Group II is reporting on the impacts of climate change on freshwater resources, land and ocean ecosystems, coasts, food, urban and rural areas, energy and industry, human health and security, as well as livelihoods and poverty.
“The focus is as much on identifying effective responses as on understanding challenges,” said Dr. Field.
A draft of the summary shows that rising ocean temperatures will continue, affecting ocean productivity, fish populations and the livelihoods of coastal fishing communities. The draft projects the loss of fisheries of up to 60 percent in some tropical zones, particularly in Africa.
Rising sea levels are likely to swamp some of Asia’s largest cities by 2100, with Calcutta, Mumbai, Dhaka, Shanghai, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and Rangoon among those at greatest risk.
Sea level rise could inundate an estimated 15 percent of Pacific islands over the long term, the report warns.
The draft indicates that ocean acidification and warming will hit corals hard. Survival of even moderately healthy coral reefs is consistent only with scenarios in the 430-480 parts per million of carbon dioxide, CO2.
Since the Industrial Revolution, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased from 280 ppm to 400 ppm as of 2013. It is currently rising at a rate of two ppm a year and accelerating.
Rising global temperatures will result in more urban air pollution and bigger wildfires, the report will show.
A warming Arctic will be ice-free for as long as 125 days a year by mid-century, opening the region for commodity shipping and resource exploitation.
The report acknowledges limits to human ability to adapt to all the projected droughts, floods and extreme weather events – suffering is inevitable, considering the concentration of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere.
As all previous IPCC reports have done, this report will urge the need for adaptation and carbon emissions reductions to avoid much worse disruptions.
This assessment comes as world governments are negotiating under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to deliver a new and universal greenhouse gas reduction protocol, legal instrument or other outcome with legal force by 2015 for the period beyond 2020.
This meeting of Working Group II is the culmination of four years’ work by hundreds of experts who have volunteered their time and knowledge of climate science. Their report is not new research, but instead gathers and reports on research already conducted.
On Monday, March 31 the Summary for Policymakers will be released to the public, along with the draft full report.
This report is part two of a four-part assessment, known as the Fifth Assessment Report, AR5.
The first part, by Working Group I, dealing with the physical science basis of climate change, was finalized in September 2013. This group of scientists found with 95 percent certainty that humans are the “dominant cause” of global warming since the 1950s. On land, in the atmosphere and in the oceans, global warming is “unequivocal,” they stated.
The Working Group III contribution, assessing mitigation of climate change, will be finalized in April. The Fifth Assessment Report will be completed by a Synthesis Report in October.