位於蘇門答臘島南端的布吉巴瑞杉西拉坦(Bukit Barisan Selatan)國家公國,除了是蘊涵島上最後一塊低地森林的世界遺產址,也是3個瀕絕物種賴以為生的重要棲地之一。此外,島上robusta品種的咖啡豆是市售即溶咖啡包的主要原料,印尼因此成為世界上第二大robusta豆產銷國。由於布吉巴瑞杉西拉坦國家公園是受保護地區,因此園區內任何關於咖啡的種植、栽培與販售皆屬於非法行為。然而世界自然基金會調查發現,光是自耕農在園內栽植咖啡的面積就超過45,657公頃,許多受影響的野生生物因而離開了其原生棲地。
Coffee illegally grown in an Indonesian national park inhabited by endangered tigers, elephants and rhinos fills the cups of unsuspecting coffee drinkers around the world, according to an investigative report released today by the global conservation organization WWF.
Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park on the southern tip of Sumatra Island, is a World Heritage site containing some of Sumatra's last lowland forests, and is one of the most important habitats left for the three endangered or critically endangered species. Indonesia is the world’s second largest exporter of robusta, which is often used in instant coffee and packaged coffee sold in supermarkets. But Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is a protected area. Therefore, the coffee is illegally planted, grown and sold. WWF’s investigation found that small-scale farmers are growing coffee on more than 45,657 hectares of park land. Most wildlife has already abandoned those areas.
WWF determined that most of the companies buying the coffee likely were unaware of its illegal origins, based on the lack of regulations in the region. Some of the coffee companies approached by WWF have indicated they are willing to support the development of sustainable, legal coffee production outside the park. WWF says this would ensure a reliable market for coffee farmers and provide a reliable, sustainable source of legal coffee for the companies. The park’s rhinos, tigers and elephants would benefit from having coffee production and the resulting environmental damage moved outside the park boundaries.