觸礁的中國籍運煤船已被拖離大堡礁 | 環境資訊中心





昆士蘭海事安全總理夸克(Patrick Quirk)說,4月12日下午六時許,三艘拖船將載有65,000噸煤炭的神能一號用纜繩固定後,將之拖離了昆士蘭中部沿岸海域的道格拉斯淺灘。

隔天這艘中國籍運煤船便被移到35海哩外,位於大克佩爾島(Great Keppel Island)東北方5海哩的一處安全海域停泊。

這艘中國中遠集團(COSCO Group)所擁有的神能一號左舷受到嚴重的損害,並在聯合國教科文組織世界遺產所保護的水域上,留下了長達3公里的浮油。昆士蘭因此宣佈陽光海岸(Sunshine Coast)部份區域以及兩個島嶼為受災區。

儘管打撈專家與昆士蘭海事安全部已盡力救援,有關單位表示,由神能一號所漏出的油已經在其觸礁處南方10公里的島上被發現。在西北島(North West Island)上發現了焦油球,這裡是珊瑚礁區最重要的鳥類築巢與海龜產卵處。

大堡礁海洋公園管理局首席科學家瓦亨費爾德(David Wachenfeld)告訴《時代報(The Age)》說,可能需要至少20年的時間,受損的珊瑚礁才能由神能一號所造成的破壞中復元。



環境保護部部長加勒特(Peter Garrett)說:「船舶擱淺會對棲地造成嚴重的局部破壞,這類的觸礁狀況常導致珊瑚礁基質碎裂並壓實,進而產生觸礁傷疤。」


昆士蘭總理安娜布萊(Anna Bligh)13日在一份聲明中說,政府計畫提高涉及神能一號漏油污染事件公司的罰金,由170萬澳幣提高至930萬澳幣。

澳洲保育基金會(Australian Conservation Foundation, ACF)呼籲出口船隻使用替代航線,以避開世界著名的海洋保育聖地。ACF的海洋健康運動協調員(Healthy Oceans Campaign Coordinator)史密斯(Chris Smyth)表示,漏油污染對利用原始珊瑚礁的海洋生物將產生不利影響,這些動物包括了海豚、儒艮、魟魚、海龜、小丑魚和許多其他珊瑚礁的生物。

Chinese Coal Ship Lifted Off Damaged Great Barrier Reef
BRISBANE, Queensland, Australia, April 13, 2010 (ENS)

Salvage experts have successfully refloated the Chinese coal carrier Shen Neng 1 that went aground on the Great Barrier Reef 10 days ago. Oil spilled from the ship's damaged hull into the pristine waters around the grounding site, which is at least 10 kilometers away from the authorized shipping lane.

Initial fears that the 230 meter-long coal carrier would break in two, spilling coal and fuel oil onto the world's longest reef proved to be unfounded.

Maritime Safety Queensland General Manager Patrick Quirk said that shortly after 6 pm yesterday, three tugs with cables hooked up to the Shen Neng 1 and began pulling the damaged ship and its 65,000 tonnes of coal off of Douglas Shoal located along the central Queensland coast.

Overnight the Chinese coal carrier was moved around 35 nautical miles to a safe anchorage five nautical miles northeast of Great Keppel Island.

Owned by the China's COSCO Group, the Shen Neng 1 was severely damaged on her port side, and left a three kilometer (two mile) long oil slick in the protected waters of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. As a result, Queensland declared two islands and parts of the Sunshine Coast a disaster zone.

Despite the efforts of the salvors and Maritime Safety Queensland, the agency said that oil believed to have come from the Shen Neng has been found on an island 10 kilometers south of the grounding site. Tar balls have been found on North West Island, the most important bird rookery on the reef and a turtle nesting colony.

Wachenfeld told "The Age" newspaper that it could take at least 20 years for the reef to recover from the damage caused by the Shen Neng 1.

Speaking on the Australian Broadcasting Corp., Wachenfeld said today, "We found areas of up to 20 to 40 meters across where the top of the shoal has been completely pulverized. So all of the plants and animals have been killed." As much as four tonnes of fuel spilled from the Shen Neng, Wachenfeld said last week.

A team of marine scientists is now at the grounding site inspecting the environmental damage. The environmental assessment is being led by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority with support from the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Australian Institute of Marine Science.

Minister for Environment Protection Peter Garrett said, "Ship groundings can result in significant localized damage to habitats. Groundings such as this often leave grounding scars in the reef substrate where the coral is crushed and compacted."

The team will gather photographic and video evidence of any damage, map the damage zone, quantify the damage and sample for pollutants.

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh said in a statement today that her government plans to raise fines for companies involved in oil spills to as much as A$9.3 million from $1.7 million as a result of the Shen Neng incident.

The Australian Conservation Foundation has called for export ships to use alternative routes that avoid the world renowned marine icon. ACF's Healthy Oceans Campaign Coordinator Chris Smyth said the oil spill would have a detrimental effect on the pristine coral reefs and the marine life that use them, including dolphins, dugongs, rays, turtles, clown fish and numerous other reef species.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.